Study proposed for Otago University (NZ) in 2010.


Senior Member
University of Otago Division of Health Sciences.
Indicative projects for 2010:

XMRV as a potential cause of chronic fatigue syndrome

Supervisor: Professor Warren Tate

"Currently there is no diagnostic test for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) although millions world wide are affected with the syndrome. A very recent Science paper (9.10.09) has linked CFS with a rodent retrovirus XMRV (rather like HIV-1) that can as well cause aggressive prostate cancer. About 70% of the affected group had evidence of the virus compared with only 4% of the control population. My lab has done developmental work on a rogue RNAse L cleavage fragment for a biomarker since it is claimed to be specific for CFS and indirectly to deplete affected cells of 50% of their ATP. We would like to examine the virus and its translational mechanisms as a potential drug target and establish the RNAse L fragment as a biomarker."


Senior Member
New Zealand
Ooh Pick Me Pick Me!!!!

Excellent news, thanks for posting this ALR.

When you hear any more news about goahead (or which Otago Uni Site this study will be based at and how to volunteer) I'd love to know. Or tell me where it'll be posted and I'll keep an eye on it.. possibly twice a day!

Thanks again:)


Senior Member

Great, anne, thanks for posting. Is this just a proposal, or is it planned?

Hey fresh, it's only been proposed, and as it will be publically funded I guess it's probably got a rubber stamp to get before it's officially a goer.
No actual date set yet, just 2010. If there are any ANZMES (Associative New Zealand M E Society) members here who may know more details perhaps they'll chime in?

I've contacted the University to ask them to keep me informed but they're off for summer holidays now and it will probably be early Feb before they're back. If I hear any further details I'll update here.

BTW, there is a long history of very good research related to ME/CFS at Otago University and I know the staff are very passionate on our behalf....they have been for years and years. :)
I doubt they'll let this one get away, and as as far as I know the public funding "process" is not too lengthy (unlike what Nancy Klimas described in the U.S.).

Best, Anne.


Senior Member
Excellent news, thanks for posting this ALR.

When you hear any more news about goahead (or which Otago Uni Site this study will be based at and how to volunteer) I'd love to know. Or tell me where it'll be posted and I'll keep an eye on it.. possibly twice a day!

Thanks again:)

Pleasure! Perhaps we can travel down together ;) It'll be Dunedin BTW....long established ME/CFS history there.

Academic year starts again in Early Feb I think. I'll keep in touch with you :)

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
Great news Anne,

Otago University to the rescue. Mike Holmes will be pleased.

Do you know what CFS criteria people are being diagnosed with in NZ now?


Senior Member
Study, and message for Over the Hills, diagnostic method

Hi Over. I sent you another GP suggestion in your private message.

Yes, I heard some talk of this study a while back from Heather, the Anzmes prez. She is in Dunedin and I think that she will be able to tell us more after the holidays.

I may be mistaken, but I believe Ros Vallings (our only specialist -- and a personal hero of mine) uses Canadian Consensus -- or something closely akin to it. She also uses her 30 years of experience, I guess! This is only my assumption -- can't speak for her.


Senior Member
Marylib my day...waaay back....Tapanui flu days....they used the "send-you-around-every-specialist-and-if-nothing-else-fits" method of diagnosis here. :rolleyes: Aaah well, at least no one ever suggested it was all in my head.
(...Worst that happened was that one GP remarked my iron levels might be low because I "look like a vegetarian". I ask you?! :confused:)

Guess I might need a diagnosis according to certain more recently developed criteria before I can offer myself up as a guinea pig then :) But I'm on to that.

Good to hear the Otago ANZMES people were able to have some influence. I know there's a great, dedicated leadership team down there at Otago University.

Look forward to hearing more details in due course.

Alice Band

PWME - ME by Ramsay
I wonder if Otago has any old frozen bloods taken from the mid-80's epidemic?

When reading about XMRV and the USA epidemic, I noticed that Dr Peterson had thawed a blood sample from a patient of his (who had sadly died) and the blood was positive for the new retrovirus.

Would be good to compare some of the old samples as well.


Senior Member

Ros Vallings has collected samples for storage I believe, but I don't know how long ago she started. I understand her samples will be used in any study in the first instance because they meet the diagnostic standard and other criteria for getting a study moving along quickly.
But, I understand they may be looking for more samples further along the track.

ANZMES will have more info in the New Year.


Senior Member
I wonder if Otago has any old frozen bloods taken from the mid-80's epidemic.

Do you think mine would mine count a mid-80's epidemic survivor? ;)

(Actually they've indicated they have a nice lot of proposed ME/CFS research in the pipelines..... dependant on future funding of course. But no shortage of passion and expertise down there!!)


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I wonder if Otago will work with Bond Uni here in OZ who have this big genereous amount of money for research. I am one of the guinea pigs and due to give blood in Jan 2010


Senior Member

do you know what Bond Uni is collecting the sampes for? Do they have a research project proposed? XMRV related?

Great that you get to participate! :)


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
They have been doing research on neuro vaso ? peptides for some time. Now they have been given $2 milion dollars for research, looking for markers. Been told they will be working with WPI.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama

I am reading Osler's Web. I just came across a mention in the book that in 1992 or 1993 that Otago did a study.

So my guess is they already have some blood, at least.




I am sorry but have spoken to Dr Vallings and she has no blood samples that she has collected for ME/CFS research. ANZMES is supporting her to go to the London conference in May 2010 to bring back info on the XMRV research etc.

Also Dr MIke Holmes samples were thrown out 3 years ago when the university decided he wasn't going to be able to do more research so that is the Tapanui flu group as well back from the 1980s. His health is such that he is not able to do more research or pick up on it though he has passed his results onto Nancy Klimas.
Warren Tate is a very good Biochemist and following on from Mike Holmes work. Mike found retrovirus in ME/CFS patients from Dunedin and Otago in NZ and published in 1994 a paper which he also presented at Fort Loredale in Miami about this. It has very convincing retrovirus electron micrographs in it.
I rang Heather from ANZMES and she said she could not comment as the committee had not come to any agreement about any research at this stage. Next year more information should be available.