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Study of possible treatment for mental fatigue in Sweden


Senior Member
A new treatment study has just begun at the Gottfries Clinic in Sweden. Professor Gottfries and his colleagues are collaborating with Nobel laureate Arvid Carlsson in this study, which will examine possible effects of the substance OSU 6162 on the brain exhaustion/mental fatigue ME patients experience. The study will be double-blind and placebo controlled. Both Fukuda and ICC will be used, and patients evaluated by experienced physicians at the Gottfries Clinic.

OSU 6162 has previously shown effects of mental fatigue in stroke patients

Prof Gottfries stresses that this substance wont cure ME/CFS, but might ease one of the symptoms.

Any thoughts on this? If I understand this correctly, OSU 6162 is a dopamine regulator. Does that mean it will increase levels of dopamine in the brain?


Senior Member
It's interesting that, as a dopamine stabilizer, OSU6162 has shown beneficial actions in early clinical studies for patients with Parkinsons disease. It's encouraging too that it has caused a remarkable improvement in mental stamina (as evaluated by a self assessment scale on mental fatigue) following stroke.

Thanks for posting this! It's the first study I've heard of to be using a Fukuda and ICC cohort.


Senior Member
Anne O., thanks for this important thread. Sleep is such an integral part of our DD, my belief is that we should all get a quality sleep study.

I have had several sleep issues treated by a sleep neurologist and it's helped. Didn't cure me but certainly a relatively better quality of life.

I would love to be able to exercise 4.6 hours per week. Definitely not reflective for most of us, eh?

Barb C.:>)