Stubborn Gastritis Symptoms - and where to look next


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I have an undiagnosed stomach issue, when i was put on ranitidine it did nothing for me, as if i was taking a placebo. I have to take HCL which is the opposite. Also i now take domperidone which empties the stomach in 20-30 minutes, not a cure but makes the pain go away much faster. Full spectrum digestive enzymes work somewhat, i can take 1-2 less HCL tablets (though they cost more)
One interesting thing i found is that 5-HTP tablets will make me throw up without fail. No idea why. Might be worth trying just to see if it has that effect on you, though it won't lead to a diagnosis, at least you know you might have what i have :eek:


Senior Member
I have horrible gastric symptoms. Often accompanied by vertigo. Oddly, it gets worse when I suffer (badly) with hayfever.
Me too. I've read that this can be related to allergic conditions. Something to do with cross reactivity between foods/pollens.

@Booksellercate, it might be worth looking into allergic conditions, like mast cell disorders, if you haven't already (there is a separate forum here about them). Also the esinophillic disorders like esinophillic esophagitis, and esinophillic gastritis, as well, in case it is relevant.


Senior Member
Hi @Booksellercate I have had recurring gastritis issues for the last 4-5 years. I began to wonder if it was actually a food intolerance that I have yet to discover. I've been on the RPAH chemical intolerance diet for the last few months and I am now starting to see a big difference. It's taken some time, because I still get effected by foods or other products (like vitamins or headache tablets, yes simple, additives and fillers in those products can be an isue) that set me back on challenging food groups, but that fullness, bloating, reflux, pain in upper stomach has pretty much gone! I have not taken any PPI's on this diet or any supplements. Nausea occasionally gets triggered when I eat a food that I have not realised I react too. I react to leeks and garlic for example and get nausea.

I'm still not finished with the diet and there is no conclusive results yet, but I am getting a better picture of where the issues lie. I am now starting to suspect high fodmap foods are part of the issue as well as amines and potentially wheat/gluten. I started the low fodmap diet years ago, but was told to try the RPAH diet instead as I was having more than IBS issues. However, since on the RPAH I have noticed a pattern that I react mostly to high fodmap foods (the RPAH diet does have some high FODMAPS in the diet). You mentioned you reacted to watermelon, that is high FODMAP, and I too have reacted to watermelon. It also could be because it is high in fructose.

Anyway, might be something to investigate.


Senior Member
How was it at the doctors?

I have a theory:
gastritis = inflammation = immune system allowed to run wild i.e. it's not being dampened by cortisol ( = anti-stress hormone produced by adrenal). Caused by tired adrenals which is very common in people with prolonged illness.

Cortisol also makes the stomach acid acid. If it's not acid enough food will make you nauseous, especially fat foods and proteins. Heart burn is often a symptom of this (food stays too long in the stomach and bubbles up back upstairs. It's not being allowed to exit because it's not acid enough.).
HCL, diluted vinegar and lemon juice will help with this. Anti-acids will act counter productive.
BUT I don't think an inflamed stomach lining likes a shower diluted vinegar much...

If this theory pans out you are between a rock and a hard place. I'm so sorry. Also it's not the cause of your gastritis, just a co-factor.

Aiding the adrenals will help somewhat. This is done with taking proteins (chicken stock and egg yoke are the best. Also for me: Multigland by Biotics), vit C, salt, rest and de-stressing in whichever way works for you. Just loafing about in your comfy bed and stretching and yawning like a lazy puppy or kitten is a very good destressing method.
You can resort to Mindfulness or Zen meditation if you think puppies don't hold the secret to a low stress life.

I take hydrocortison for adrenals but this is a drug and you need a good doctor and yours doesn't sound too good ("hello, it's IBS, good bye")
I also take HCL or lemon juice with all my food. But I don't have gastritis.

If your poo is lightly coloured it means not enough bile is secreted. Bile is only secreted when the food in the stomach has been made acid enough. So the colour of your stool might give an indication whether your stomach is acid enough.
Best of health to you. Hope the doctor had something good to offer.


My whole life I struggle with it, and now I discovered I had a coaxaxie b2 infection. I take equllibrant (2 a day) and no more acid ruflux or stomach suffering (added Bonus!).


How did you get tested for the infection?
I go to the Klimas office. They run some tests but I don’t know what your Asking like that I know of the coasaxie test is standard testing in quest I think or Olstas maybe?! Anyways I got tested by standard test: coasaxie 1 through 9(I think) so all the strains and I came back positive for the b2.
I know it’s an old thread, but what happened with your gastritis? Did you find any solution?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Any advice and suggestions welcome!

I got Chinese Traditional herbs for gastroparesis...which developed after a stomach flu....some type of delay in emptying was occurring. This improved after a couple of weeks. If you could find an experienced CTM herbalist...they may be able to help.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
currently dealing with a super stubborn gastritis again atm. as soon as i try to add anything to my bland diet i get a flare up again. i am going nuts. i nearly lost 8 kilos.

i am doing pantoprazole again because the famotidine i have tried caused the gastritis flareup in the first place. slippery elm, dgl and zinc carnosine aswell as bland diet. i am doubting anything asides panto and bland diet really has an effect.

i wish i could eat something like a kebab or a burger again...