Hi all,
I've only written an intro post on this forum so far but do a lot of reading here. For a bit of background - I'm 26 years old, suffering with ME and fibro for about 1.5 years now, although I had milder symptoms for years before. I'm not sure how I'd rate my severity level as I'm in a pretty constant push/crash cycle lately - I don't have a car and often have to walk quite far to do basic errands. It's a long and complicated story but I don't have anyone really to help me with certain things so pacing is really hard. I also have a 3-year-old, which comes with its own inevitable activity.. So I push myself when I have to, but have plenty of days that I spend fully lying down recovering from the previous day's efforts. It's exhausting, as I'm sure you guys understand.
Getting to the point: I work from home as a freelance writer. I write mostly web content for businesses, blog posts etc. I know I'm fortunate that I have a skill that allows me to make some money without having to get out of bed - I previously worked in office at a magazine and couldn't cope physically. Regardless, I'm really struggling just to keep up with the small amount of work that I do need to do to keep us afloat. I don't make enough to pay rent, currently living with in-laws because rent wasn't happening, but I do have to make enough to buy food and cover some basic living expenses.
As my symptoms have become gradually worse I'm finding writing more and more difficult. Just sitting down with my laptop and focusing enough to research and put together decent sentences that can be sent to a client is really a struggle. My vision gets blurry, my mind seems to just go blank, and I feel incapable of, well, THINKING. The fatigue also makes it so difficult to get that push of motivation that you need when working from home, so I end up putting things off until I 'feel better', which obviously doesn't really happen, then cramming at the last minute to write before a deadline. Just another push/crash basically, but on a cognitive level as well as physical. It's so frustrating and leads me to get into a mental to-and-fro over whether I'm just lazy and procrastinating or if I'm just plain sick.
Basically what I'm getting at is, has anyone found anything that helps them to concentrate, clear the brain fog, get some work done? Not working isn't an option, and i'm making my life harder with the way I'm going about things at the moment. I need to write 9 x 400 word articles today, and I look at the brief and just feel the fog descending.
Now that I've written this I feel like I have so much more I need to rant about

this illness is truly driving me insane. More for another thread, I suppose.