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Senior Member

I am trying to keep this as short as possible, something we should all try as fellow me/cfs sufferers.


Is anyone else there dealing with a severe not just physiological but psychological stress intolerance?

Basically any kind of task can bring me into a feeling of fight or flight, it is definitely different from anxiety, it is more of an extreme stress situation like being in a hurry, I am not anxious though. I get racing thoughts, can not concentrate and easy tasks like making the dishes, talking to a dear friend of mine, just reading a book or merely a train of thought can jumpstart this "reaction", it seems that over the last years I became more and more "reactive". (neurological kindling?)

Obviously there are hundreds of possibilities or reasons why this could be happening, I stopped looking for answers when it comes to trying to pin it down as it will not get me anywhere.

Is anyone out there who has dealt with something like I am describing and it actually got better just by itself over time or did you do something that helped tremendously?

Thank you,

PS: For me everything started getting worse when I stopped a SSRI cold turkey 4 years ago. I slowly became home- and 80% bedbound and diagnosed with severe POTS, HEDS, MCAD and ME.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Is anyone out there who has dealt with something like I am describing and it actually got better just by itself over time or did you do something that helped tremendously?

Hi Bread,

I deal with much of what you describe. I attribute most of my symptoms to a dysfunctional vagus nerve, which is primarily responsible for the parasympathetic (calming) functioning of our nervous system. I do a variety of things to try to regularly stimulate my vagus nerve.

I also regularly (daily) do a combination of polarity exercises, castor oil packs, epsom salts baths, laying on the ground (earthing), and more. Every little bit counts in calming down my system. Cumulatively, I feel I've been able to get a greater amount of control over some of the extreme frustrations I experience over even the most trivial things. -- Singing HU also helps (see 3-min. video in my signature).​


Senior Member
South East, England
Hi @bread.,

I know that feeling well, feeling far too easily 'rushed' or in a constant hurry is an apt description - there can be racing thoughts but they're not generally negative or how I'd consider 'anxiety' to be.

As you say, 101 reasons for this state. Personally I found Ivabradine and Cetirizine to control POTS and MCAS/histamine issues make a very big difference and raise my tolerance for this happening greatly. Off these meds it comes back very strongly.

Avoiding any activity in the mornings when tachycardia is more readily provoked is helpful to me too.



Senior Member
Yes, absolutely. In fact I would go so far as to say that this symptom and PEM are the two defining characteristics of ME/CFS. Sympathetic nervous system hyper-sensitivity is just awful. It causes all sorts of secondary symptoms like noise and light sensitivity. Any stressor, whether physical or psychological, can send you spiralling down into PEM.

Low dose naltrexone reduced this symptom massively for me, but many don't get the same effect that I do. Unfortunately everyone seems to benefit from different things and finding out what can work for you can take some time.


Northern USA
Northern USA
For me, I have this sometimes. It waxes and wanes. It is dreadful when I am having it repeatedly.

It seems organic and physiological to me. Anything at all, everything, sets it off. The brain and the central nervous system, is my personal guess.

It seems like the brain is limited and reaches max stress too easily, anything is overdo.

I just try everything I can, to calm myself physically and mentally. I don't discount any possible safe options, such as holding a blanket. A favorite item of any kind.
Petting a cat. Repeating mantra's in my head. MOve to a different room or spot, or position. Look out the window, or around the room for something to gaze at. Search for whatever works for you, knowing that none will work perfectly, but the symptom will lower at some point.


Senior Member
I've had something in the ballpark trying to get off an SSRI. What was the reason you started and the reason you discontinued. Have you tried to reinstate the SSRI or do supplementation like 5htp or GABA to compensate?

As far as the stress response, my guess would be something to do with the adrenals. Have you done testing for your adrenals?

A root cause for all of the above can be toxic metals such as mercury.


Senior Member
Yes, i have extreme stress intolerance. But i'm also anxious, i have GAD and panic disorder.
I can't cope with stress or any responsibilities anymore, i completely break down.


Senior Member
I second adrenals.
Atleast for me it's the adrenals. Before I took Adrenal Cortex from Nutricology to support the adrenals. But then it was out of stock and now I do fine on the herb Ashwagandha.
Especially when I detox too fast my adrenals can't handle it, and then I start Ashwagandha and within 2 days it's gone.