Finding a specialist is still getting nowhere. My GP has a list of Dutch docs that regularly prescribe Strattera though, so maybe I'll end up hooked up with one of those. Probably mostly psychiatrists though

I got another refill in the mean time, this time 60mg so much, much cheaper. 40+ euros for a month instead of 250 euros.
Fiance and I did some research into pill splitting, since I need new empty gelatin capsules. There are basic little setups for making 20-30 pills at a time, but they require filling each capsule entirely. This -might- work if I use small enough capsules, but would have to find the perfect size for my dosing. Instead we're getting teeny-tiny measuring spoons so I can scoop into capsules more consistently as far as doses go. Teeny-tiny spoons might or might not be legal in the Netherlands - scientific ones can only be sent to businesses, and it is literally impossible to find the tiny measuring spoons here. One site had them listed but said "out of stock". So ordering stuff from far-far-away again.
My OI has been giving me problems the past several weeks. Basically getting narrow pulse pressure with tachycardia. I usually don't get tachycardia (100+ heart rate just while sitting still). But I think I have episodes of it periodically, though prior to starting Strattera, that meant laying down for weeks. This episode has meant mostly not much standing, though not too bad sitting, and sometimes laying down to get my heart rate down. But Strattera has still had a positive impact, though not as much of one as I get when not having tachycardia. Basically it would boost my pulse pressure from 20-25 to 35 or so - not great, but bearable. And my heart rate would go down after taking it, into the 80-85 range.
Anyhow, I finally had a great day yesterday. It was a Sunday, I woke up feeling good, and the local garden center was open so we went (
sans scooter) and got 5 cyclamens and a zillion pansies. We also spent a lot of time looking at lattice trellises, and checking out their climbing roses (and photographing labels for further research), and looking for good bird seed (stuff wot birds want to eat and won't make weeds). So about 90 minutes slowly walking around the garden center, and I didn't feel crappy til we got to the checkout and were standing in line forever.
But I recovered after about half an hour of sitting at home, and with my fiance doing the leg-work I was able to pot the cyclamens, plant the pansies, and do some trimming. I took it easy and sat for most of the planting, but was still able to stand up easily for 30-45 minutes after all of that to do some stuff and supervise trimming out front. So it was a pretty amazing day, and I hope today is just as good! Slept well and just feeling normal muscle-soreness in the muscles I used so far. Fingers crossed