Strange taste in mouth, nausea, bloating

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
BTW in my personal experience, foods high in Molybdenum tend to create a deficit in vitamin B6.


Hi G ... That would be a problem right now. I'm so reactive to all the B vits, and apparently particularly B-6, P-5-P, B-12, and folate that I doubt that I have much of any in my system, so less would not, in this case, be more :(.

Damn damn damn!!! Why is it always like this? Something shows promise of helping you in one specific area, then when you look deeper (or get a kindly heads-up :gift:), you discover that, yeah, it'll help you here, but it'll really kill 'ya there.

In a different post, I described the effect as "....yeah, those dietary changes you made really helped you there, but just for fun (merry little elves that we are :_:smug:), :snigger: we're going to take away this over here ..... have a nice day .... mwaaaahaaahaaa haaaheeeeEEEEEEEeee." :bang-head::bang-head::bang-head:

It was better the first time, not sure how to find it now.

I thought that previous reactions to moly were due to effects on copper, never considered B-6. But I was bailing the boat so furiously at that point to stop the pain that I didn't stop to consider, just ploughed forward, trying to stem the damage :confused:.

Thanks for the warning, G !!! :thumbsup:

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
BTW in my personal experience, foods high in Molybdenum tend to create a deficit in vitamin B6.


Hi G ..... Wrote you warm thank you for above info along with brief background on my experience with B6, and it's just disappeared. I was tired when I wrote it, but I swear I hit Post Reply, and yet, it's nowhere to be found.

Too beat to try to reconstruct it right now, will give it a shot later today.

In the meantime, abbreviated thanks!!! :hug:

P.S. As soon as I posted this, the original post I refer here magically appeared. There are times when I just effing HAAAAATE computers and their mysterious, wily ways :cautious:, but glad this is back up, I don't think I could ever have recreated it.


Senior Member
reactions to moly were due to effects on copper,
Well, that too. I felt effects on copper from a Moly supplement, and it was unbearable.

Moly from food always comes with enough copper, but I personally have poor B6 metabolism, and hadn't been tolerating B6 supps for a while, but Moly foods changed that.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Moly from food always comes with enough copper, but I personally have poor B6 metabolism, and hadn't been tolerating B6 supps for a while, but Moly foods changed that.
Like you, I don't tolerate B-6 in any form :eek:..... and my range of tolerable foods is so limited that it's embarrassing :redface:. Will search up some moly-rich foods and see what I can come up with, toleration-wise.

Thanks, as always, for input, G :):thumbsup:.


Senior Member
@Hopeful1976 Hi I was perusing old threads and came across this thread and thought I would chime in.

I get these symptoms and it usually is from GERD/reflux. I have silent reflux, so very rarely do I actually get reflux, instead it shows up with a bad bitter taste in my mouth. Sometimes it is triggered by yoghurt or feta cheese for me. I don't eat these anymore, but noticed it would come about with those items. I also had reoccurring gastritis which probably added to it. I would get nausea and queasy feeling.