Stopping Armour - more ill than ever!

Just heard about Dr. Kenneth Blanchard's book "Functional Approach to Hypothyroidism". He may be American, but has anyone heard of it, or read it? Supposedly he comes from years of research and has some new approaches that encompass multiple hormonal systems, traditional and natural therapies. Armour Thyroid for 8 years doesn't seem to make a difference, neither did adrenal gland supplements for 2 years when I first was diagnosed. I am borderline hypothyroid, but my CFS Dr has me on 30 mg Armour, in AM before breakfast...
My daughter was diagnosed with CFS a year ago, and put on Lyrothyronine, another thyroid supplement similar to Armour, and felt better for 3 weeks, then got worse. Selenium and zinc were advised to support the thyroid itself, and was told it was normal to get worse after short time, and meant the thyroid needed more support itself....
What do you all think??