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Stimulation from foods

I know diets play an important role when it comes to recovery and I tried to organize my diet. Removing toxic and junk food works good. I cut out gluten, dairy after that I almost lost my apettite and even if I force myself to eat and not to skiping meal I don't have energy to do stuff which is already an issue with cfs. For example when I eat bread at breakfast I can eat for hours but if I don't have bread and dairy product my appetite become worse. I am wondering what is really cause of that. The feeling more energy after eating that kind of food is because the stimulation effect due to they have high glycemic index ?

I know this is looking simple but I don't know what to do about energy issue or does eating high carb really stimulate the adrenals if so I don't want to stimulate my glands. What are your suggestions and experiences?

Thank you..


Senior Member
I'm in a similar condition.

My cousin advised me eat more and give up the idea of going back to gluten and dairy.

To be able to do this I need food that is prepared as I don't have the energy to prepare it. She's made some delicious gluten free baking; beef pasties, pastry filled with potatoes, all prepared with olive oil, free range eggs (not too much I'm not an egg person) and gluten free flour. I froze them and reheat, they are quite thin so easy to reheat.

I also fill in between meals with gluten free corn flakes and almond milk plus bananas and drink a small bottle of mineral water every day.

These helped me get my energy back so I could do the pastry snacks myself at home.

You need decent food ready to keep you going otherwise I found I'm in a vicious circle of exhaustion and hunger.

I can eat gluten free bread in the morning. Tastes not so great but not too bad if it is toasted really well. Well the problem is what to eat the bread with. I eat a lot of olives, good quality and least salty soaked in lemon juice and olive oil. Quite overwhelming first thing in the morning! Also some good quality honey. If I'm not nauseous I eat a free range boiled egg.

All this food is costly I'm afraid. I live rural, grow olives, next orchard -my neighbour is a bee keeper and has chickens. I'm lucky.
I'm in a similar condition.

My cousin advised me eat more and give up the idea of going back to gluten and dairy.

To be able to do this I need food that is prepared as I don't have the energy to prepare it. She's made some delicious gluten free baking; beef pasties, pastry filled with potatoes, all prepared with olive oil, free range eggs (not too much I'm not an egg person) and gluten free flour. I froze them and reheat, they are quite thin so easy to reheat.

I also fill in between meals with gluten free corn flakes and almond milk plus bananas and drink a small bottle of mineral water every day.

These helped me get my energy back so I could do the pastry snacks myself at home.

You need decent food ready to keep you going otherwise I found I'm in a vicious circle of exhaustion and hunger.

I can eat gluten free bread in the morning. Tastes not so great but not too bad if it is toasted really well. Well the problem is what to eat the bread with. I eat a lot of olives, good quality and least salty soaked in lemon juice and olive oil. Quite overwhelming first thing in the morning! Also some good quality honey. If I'm not nauseous I eat a free range boiled egg.

All this food is costly I'm afraid. I live rural, grow olives, next orchard -my neighbour is a bee keeper and has chickens. I'm lucky.

Yea you are really lucky :D I hope you found that benefical. Cuz sometimes like you I also feel like this gluten and dairy free diet don't work but so much things are effecting our mood and energy so doing the right thing even if it have small benefit we can't ignore that.


Senior Member
Eating bread is like a drug. You will crave it even more. It seems to stimulate something. Most people experience this effect from high gluten. The general rule of thumb is that when you are in a stressed state, (CFS/overtraining/adrenal fatigue -bad name i know) you should not be restricting carbohydrate. Assuming there are no diabetic considerations, its generally recommended to INCREASE carbohydrate consumption. Especially if you are on the lean side.

I dont how this applies if you are overweight, but eating low carb, high protein and high fat utilizes the body's stress response system to fuel itself...thus exacerbating CNS problems.

Keep in mind that unless you feel like tracking your glucose levels like a hawk, no two people have the same response to different foods. Bread didnt even move my blood glucose levels. Rice kicked it to 160.

Potatoes are a common food that is well tolerated and great for you. It seems like for most, butter is fine where dairy is not.