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Stiffness and Pain


Senior Member
Today is one of my worst days of stiffness and pain all over. Can't bend anything, can't move. Everything just hurts. Every joint, everything. Alot of people have told me it's the advanced Lyme, but I don't know. Does anyone else have this with the stiffness and pain?

The only thing that works on it is Aleeve, but I can't take it because of the acid reflux. I've tried everything else, nothing helps but that. I'm just dying today. It's like a body wide arthritis.
I get this when the barametric pressure drops, and also when I REALLY overdo it, but I also have Fibromyalgia. Nothing helps it for me except resting for days, unless I am lucky and am traveling where there is a hot tub! I can't wait for the day that I can afford one so that I can get relief now and then