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Stem cells in dysautonomia pipeline....


Senior Member
Given the difficulties accessing stem cells, you might consider 3-day water fast. I found a significant reduction in my need for supplements after my first fast a few weeks ago.
Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system
That is amazing. But what do you mean by water fasting? Is that what they are saying in the article? I definitely can't quit water for prolonged periods because I have symptoms of pots.


Senior Member
I went back and read it, and I gather it is fasting from food. Also emphasizing a ketogenic diet. I will definitely try this.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Yes, water only 3 days. They suggest, in the context of cancer chemotherapy, repeating it at intervals. I felt pretty awful, really like a limp dishrag. Even, at the point of eating, worried that I could have pushed myself into some sort of crisis. (a little late to consider this!). But in fact, I recovered my energy immediately, and found I no longer needed any of my antihistamine and antioxidant supps. Critterina found good results with histamines (thread Critterinas's histamine journal). Ive been able to add back small amounts of fermented foods, impossible for the last 3 years.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
But what do you mean by water fasting? Is that what they are saying in the article? I definitely can't quit water for prolonged periods because I have symptoms of pots.
Water fasting is taking water only (I assume); it's not quitting water. Don't stop drinking! It causes a quick death!


Senior Member
Yes, water only 3 days. They suggest, in the context of cancer chemotherapy, repeating it at intervals. I felt pretty awful, really like a limp dishrag. Even, at the point of eating, worried that I could have pushed myself into some sort of crisis. (a little late to consider this!). But in fact, I recovered my energy immediately, and found I no longer needed any of my antihistamine and antioxidant supps. Critterina found good results with histamines (thread Critterinas's histamine journal). Ive been able to add back small amounts of fermented foods, impossible for the last 3 years.
I'm trying this soon! I can't wait. Thanks for sharing.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque


Senior Member
@Bob lol that's what I thought but it sounded to me like fasting from water hehe.
Yeah, what they are describing is actually just "fasting", and "water fasting" would suggest that it's something different than normal fasting. Maybe some people prefer to say "water fasting" because it sounds more impressive? :confused:


Senior Member
Yes, water only 3 days. They suggest, in the context of cancer chemotherapy, repeating it at intervals. I felt pretty awful, really like a limp dishrag. Even, at the point of eating, worried that I could have pushed myself into some sort of crisis. (a little late to consider this!). But in fact, I recovered my energy immediately, and found I no longer needed any of my antihistamine and antioxidant supps. Critterina found good results with histamines (thread Critterinas's histamine journal). Ive been able to add back small amounts of fermented foods, impossible for the last 3 years.

Were you on antihistamines because of mast cell issues? Do you think fasting can help with that then as well? Or do you attribute your pots/dysautonomia to mcad? I'm sorry, but I'm fairly new to this still.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I had both histamine issues and mast cell issues, overlapping, but also distinct. My mast cell issues are relatively benign. But once I understood the underlying phenomenon, I could track these symptoms to mast cell activation. FMN reduced my need for antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, and the fast extinguished the need. I haven't taken any of these in the weeks since. My POTS resolved once I was on theraputic doses of MB12.


Senior Member
I had both histamine issues and mast cell issues, overlapping, but also distinct. My mast cell issues are relatively benign. But once I understood the underlying phenomenon, I could track these symptoms to mast cell activation. FMN reduced my need for antihistamines, mast cell stabilizers, and the fast extinguished the need. I haven't taken any of these in the weeks since. My POTS resolved once I was on theraputic doses of MB12.
Very encouraging, but what is FMN? Sorry I tried googling but couldn't find anything.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Hi @sillysocks84 no, I don't know anything about it. My mast cell symptoms are relatively benign, something for me to watch and be aware of for possible future aggravation, worsening. You might find more info on these inhibitors from Dr. Theoharides, on his site mastcellmaster.com. Many publications from him and his team there, as well as his vids.


Senior Member
Hi @sillysocks84 no, I don't know anything about it. My mast cell symptoms are relatively benign, something for me to watch and be aware of for possible future aggravation, worsening. You might find more info on these inhibitors from Dr. Theoharides, on his site mastcellmaster.com. Many publications from him and his team there, as well as his vids.

Well, since you are on the right track so far hopefully you won't have anything to worry about with mast cells.

I looked at that website and it's nice they're taking such interest in mast cells. I think mine may play a part in my symptoms. But really wgen it comes down to it I'm still confused.

Groggy Doggy

So does anyone know anything more about stem cells for POTS or dysautonomia in general? I found this online:


I am sure some of you have seen this. I wanted to know what you think of this. I have a mixed opinion.

I had one adipose stem cell treatment, for about $6k, in May. My own fat was harvested, placed in a machine to filter out the stem cells, which amounted to just one injection. I did initially feel some slight improvements with sleep, pain, and flexibility I could see visible positive differences in my appearance ( I looked vibrant and healthy). I was told it could take up to one year, post injection, to derive the full benefit. I was ill for about 2 years before the stem cell treatment. Since I don't know what my health would be like today without having the procedure a few months ago, its hard to say if it was worth it. I felt the stem cell treatment was the lowest risk option, since I was injected with my own 'medicine'. I was concerned that, some of the drugs that people are taking to help with ME/CFS could potentially harm me in the long run. I've always been very sensitive to prescription drugs and typically suffer from their side effects I feel we just don't fully understand the risk vs benefit of the trial drugs without more research. I opted to start with one stem cell treatment, wait one year, and then decide what the next course of action is. I hope I didn't offend anyone in my posting.