Hmmm. Let's do the math:
60g/weekx4.3 weeks/month = 258g/mo
258g/mo ÷ 2/g/kg body weight = 129kg
129kg body weight÷ 2.2lbs/kg = 283.8 lbs. Body weight.
From your photos, unless you're 6'6" tall, it doesn't seem like you weight 283 lbs.
40/60 x 283 = 187 lbs. Is this closer to your body weight? If so, the 40g dose would be closer to the to the typical autoimmune dose of 2.0g/kg/month. As a comparison, I've been on a maximum of 118g/mo which is about 1.7g/kg/no, which is a little low but still within autoimmune dosing range and my autoimmunity was not as significant as yours, so a higher dose is likely a good call.
Three things I'd keep in mind if I were you.
- While IVIG is going into a vein, from my understanding, SCIG goes into tissue which must dissipate and distribute the fluid through your body. If your lymphatic system isn't strong enough to deal with this, you could end up with a permanent problem called lymphedema, which is lifelong and requires compression garments for the rest of your life. So, if you start to feel puffy, or pooling in your feet, ankles, leg or neck, I'd stop immediately if I were you, and discuss it with your doctor - you might need to switch to IVIG.
- 40 g or 60 g is a pretty good size dose. I'm assuming it would be divided up over 3 or 4 days throughout a week. I'm not sure what kind of side effects you'd have, whether they'd be brain swelling and headache, stiff neck, nausea or GI distress, but you might need additional support to be able to tolerate it, like Benadryl, Toradol, and/or a steroid. It's one thing to do this every 2 or 3 weeks as I've done, But another to be able to do it multiple times a week. It means a lot of drug taking and then getting off them and continually being on steroids leads to a cascade of other health issues.
- Gammaglobulin products should be individualized to the patient. If you have significant side effects, the product could be switched to another one, and the side effects might be better.
Anyway, sounds like you're making progress and good luck!