I am of the belief that CFS is triggered by immune deficiencies that allow opportunistic infections to develop. If XMRV is the cause of these immune problems, it doesn't seem to be enough to stop the XMRV, the immune system must be restarted before real recovery can happen. I am doing the methylation and LDN to hopefully aide the immune response.
About three years ago, I took 8 months worth of Valcyte. I was fortunate that I didn't have any difficulty with the Valcyte, and It seems to have helped a great deal. My headache pain and brain fog are greatly reduced, and my heart made a significant recovery.
Since then, I have tried many supplements, mostly with little or nothing to show for it. Just recently, I have tried the LDN, Artesunate and Methylation.
I started the LDN first. I bought my Naltrexone from United Pharmacies at It is sold under the name Nodict, and costs $ 18.50 for ten 50mg tablets. This would not be my first choice. The product is made in India, and probably doesn't meet US standards. I am working on getting a real prescription from a doctor, and that would be a much better choice. I have put my 50 mg tablet in 500 ml of purified water. I found a syringe in the baby department of my drug store that I use to measure the dose that I want. 1 ml of liquid is .1 mg of LDN. This allows me to measure out very small quantities with great precision. I initially started at 1.5 mg, but after a few days, that became too much. I backed down to .2 mg every other day, and increased the dosage by .1 mg every two weeks. I currently am up to .6 mg every other day. LDN helps with the brain fog and headaches that I have experienced. Be sure to keep the LDN in the refrigerator in a dark container when you are not using it. One tablet will last a long time, so at first you may want to throw the liquid out and start over every few weeks. I noticed some sort of fuzz growing in my bottle after a couple of months!
I started the methylation about two months ago. Details of the supplements are elsewhere on this site, so I won't relist them. Be sure to use the latest protocol with the drops. Again, I learned that I need to start slowly. I started taking just the vitamins. I had to start cutting the tablets in half in order to keep taking them. I have had a very sore throat for over 40 years, but once I started the vitamins that has changed. My throat is almost a normal color today. I didn't notice any other changes until I sent for the new supplements. Now, after a week of the new supplements, I am feeling better every day. I am sleeping better than I have in years, ans don't have that "stressed" feeling all the time. I found all of the supplements at I had to call , rather than order online, as I did have a little trouble with the website. The supplements for the new protocol seem new to the website, so I am sure that I will be able to use the website soon. Once I started the new protocol, things really have changed for the better in a hurry. The original supplements, except for the vitamins didn't seem to do much for me, but in the week that I have been using the new supplements, I have noticed daily improvement. I am very encouraged by what I have seen so far, and want to thank Rich for all his hard work.
The LDN and Methylation are supposed to start the immune response. I am taking Artesunate to help fight off any remaining viruses. I buy it from I get the Hepasunate 50, which is $ 50.00 for a bottle of 60 capsules. I take one tablet on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, so that I am not taking LDN and Aretsunate on the same day. Again, I needed to start slowly. I have some concerns about the safety of the Artesunate, so I don't try to take too much. I also don't seem to have as much trouble with viruses as many do, so I see this as insurance, rather than an attack on some specific virus.
I have been ill for over 20 years now, and hit bottom in 2005, when my blood pressure dropped to 80/50, and my pulse slowed to 50. I slept almost all of the time, and got absolutely no help from the medical community. The valcyte brought my BP back to normal, and with these other treatments, am feeling much better. There is a long way to go for me, but I am more hopeful than ever before. I am sure that we will eventually have real medications to help us, but I am now feeling much better about waiting.
I understand how difficult it is to read and comprehend when you are suffering. The methylation on this site cam be found by going to the Forums page and scrolling down to the treatment and therapy section. Look for the DETOX: Methylation\ B12.... section. Click on the detox bar, and scroll down to SIMPLIFIED METHYLATION PROTOCOL AS OF TODAY. Scroll down to about the seventh item and you will find the list of supplements you need.
Right now, if I had to choose, I would rate the methylation as my first choice, and the LDN second. I really believe that starting at low doses and slowly increasing is the way to go. I have read many accounts of people that start at higher doses and give up when they have problems. Everybody seems to have different tolerance levels, so you need to find out what your body can handle. I would have given up on all of these if I had to start at a full dose.
feel free to send me a private message if you have any specific questions.