SSDI - question about online status

I was denied SSDI 1st stage and completed the reconsideration online.

Submitted the reconsideration Oct 2020
Reconsideration medical review was just completed (May 2021)

Status now says: "representative in BALTIMORE MARYLAND started a final review to make sure that you still meet the non-medical requirements for Disability Benefits. "

Has anyone seen that status before ?

I kind of feel that if they didn't approve the medical review, there would be no need to check if I am eligible for benefits, right?

Welcome comments from anyone with first hand experience of completing the reconsideration stage on line.

If there are other boards I could ask on (on this site or elsewhere), let me know


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I was denied SSDI 1st stage and completed the reconsideration online.

Submitted the reconsideration Oct 2020
Reconsideration medical review was just completed (May 2021)

Status now says: "representative in BALTIMORE MARYLAND started a final review to make sure that you still meet the non-medical requirements for Disability Benefits. "

Has anyone seen that status before ?

I kind of feel that if they didn't approve the medical review, there would be no need to check if I am eligible for benefits, right?

Welcome comments from anyone with first hand experience of completing the reconsideration stage on line.

If there are other boards I could ask on (on this site or elsewhere), let me know

Very few people are approved for US disability for ME due to bias (15,000 out of 2 million). You need very good medical documentation (full neuropsychology exam for mental impairments, 2 day CPET for physical impairments) to win and they usually award it as a mental condition to help insurance companies cheat you out of long term benefits.

The main thing is to retain a good law firm, shore up your documentation with testing and file the appeal within the 60 day time limit. That will get it to an Administrative Law Judge which if denied again is followed by another appeal and the lawyer suing in district court. If you have enough testing and they feel they will lose in court they approve it. Try to retain the lawyer and let them file the appeal so they can optimize the paperwork and give you advice.


Senior Member
Hello.....Almost no one receives SSDI on the first go-around. That's a given. Please check out the service @Alvin2 refers to in New Threads....5/19/21. If you can't find it, PM him and I'm sure he'll give the reference to someone who may help. Yours, Lenora.


Because everyday is Caturday...
Yes, an SSDI advocate can really help, they can evaluate your case and tell you what you need to make it stronger. There is no obligation for an advocate to take your case, if they don't think you can win, they will not represent you.

I hired an advocate at the ALJ stage and won. Ideally hire an advocate that knows the ALJs in your region.