Sounds like the spiritual healer did not have any discernment. There is no right or wrong path here, we live life according to our facilities, our values and beliefs. -- It sounds like they were using kinesiology to muscle test your pathways, while also trying to ask questions regarding reincarnation, which is more their belief system coming into play than yours.
I use a distance healer here and she is amazing. I think sometimes people have missing elements in their approach to healing though and can force opinions on others. Yes, Chronic Fatigue can be emotional, psychological, biochemical, genetics, viruses, a host of things because a host affects the whole system. But telling someone they are one specifically is like telling a human that you are only capable of walking, not dancing, singing or running. Its a sliver of pie from the whole.
No matter how useful a -healer- is, they still have no right to tell you how to live or what to believe in. That is your domain to decide.