Spiritual healer sham...

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I can't take antidepressants. The only one I could take was Remeron and I put on 23 pounds with that medicine and I have only been able to take off 12 pounds since I went off of it almost 2 years ago. SSRI's make me sicker than sick to my stomach and I have GERD really bad and the SSRI's makes the GERD go nuts. I am glad I don't have a depression, or I am not bipolar because I don't know what I would do.
I saw the "The Secret" DVD, didn't know there was a book. I guess it is similar to psychics thinking they have powers, and people believing what they are told by the psychic.

I have delayed sleep phase syndrome and that non-24 hour cycle, am too sensitive to meds :(


Senior Member
I had a free experience with a spiritual healer a couple of years ago. Was a friend of a friend. Was not very helpful at all.


Senior Member
My otherwise wonderful mother sent me a book called "Cell-Level Healing: The Bridge from Soul to Cell", written by a biophysicist after she had a near death experience. My guess is that the near-death experience involved prolonged hypoxia and the widespread death of neurons :)

Sometimes I read the better excerpts aloud in a funny voice when me and my fiance need some comic relief.


Senior Member
Spitfire, I love your quote: "Sometimes a germ is just a germ." Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

I hope things start looking up for you. This DD is frustrating for so many reasons and on so many levels. Just remember we are all in this together and venting can be healthy.

It's so hard to accept that some things we just don't have control over and it's hard to come to terms with that.

I need to go take my Vitamin D. :D

Take care of yourself.

Barb C.:>)


Senior Member
Sounds like the spiritual healer did not have any discernment. There is no right or wrong path here, we live life according to our facilities, our values and beliefs. -- It sounds like they were using kinesiology to muscle test your pathways, while also trying to ask questions regarding reincarnation, which is more their belief system coming into play than yours.

I use a distance healer here and she is amazing. I think sometimes people have missing elements in their approach to healing though and can force opinions on others. Yes, Chronic Fatigue can be emotional, psychological, biochemical, genetics, viruses, a host of things because a host affects the whole system. But telling someone they are one specifically is like telling a human that you are only capable of walking, not dancing, singing or running. Its a sliver of pie from the whole.

No matter how useful a -healer- is, they still have no right to tell you how to live or what to believe in. That is your domain to decide.


Senior Member
I have to say that I think that the theory behind "energy work" is invalid, and I'm not a believer in spiritual anything, but I think that there are some techniques in this field which focus the mind in a helpful fashion. For instance, I once had an aromatherapist who incorporated the odd bit of Reiki into her massages. Do I think that she was actually directing energy into receptive parts of my body, or whatever is meant to happen in theory? No, I don't. However, I found it a useful way of focusing on those parts of my body, breathing deeply, releasing tension there. She was a very intuitive practitioner, and I think it also helped her focus her thoughts in a beneficial fashion.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I love reiki. Love it and I believe in it. The whole premise that all illness is really just an emotional situation is what gets me and that subconsciously, we are self sabotaging ourselves to protect ourselves. Like saying that I had basically caused myself to have a fibroid, endometriosis and IC because there was a possibility I had been raped and didn't want anyone touching me, so subconsciously I brought on my illnesses, so I wouldn't have to go through anymore trauma.

That's just hard to swallow. The last straw was when the aromatherapist who put me on a concoction of aromas that left me smelling like a taco, burrito, cinnamon enchilada with BO....that cost $200 and I became so sick from the stench. They kept saying that I tested positive for all of these odors. I am not going to call them oils, they were odors. I have MCS which they didn't recognize. Whatever!! Then the aromatherapist wanted a woman to talk to my fibroid so it would go away or shrink. Yes, this healer would talk to my fibroid. How crazy does that sound???????


Senior Member
The whole business about "illness is all caused by something emotional" tends to get creepy as hell. For starters, they are always keen on digging up dirt about your past, and by "dirt" I mean "abuse", and they will merrily create it if it doesn't exist already. I've heard of people going to practitioners who insisted that they were undergoing domestic violence or had been a victim of child abuse, and who refused to listen to protestations that the partner/parent was a perfectly nice person who would never dream of committing such a crime - and it really is a crime they are accusing these people of. So first of all there's that. Then there's a weird seizing of power - "I am so intuitive that I know secrets about your life, and if you deny them, then you are repressing memories and I know better than you!" And then there's that revolting victim-blaming, the idea that people have somehow made themselves ill, and that if they don't follow the practitioner's strange theories, then they actually want to be ill. Nasty all round.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Calathea, that is exactly it. If I didn't believe or follow exactly what they thought, it was as if I was keeping myself ill in their mind. That is brainwashing. That is what it is. It's like a creepy cult. Anyone who goes to them basically gives up their right to have a mind of their own.
Hi Spitty and everyone-
my thoughts on this- that "spiritual healer" is a wack job. total BS. I believe that the majority of "spiritual healers" are full of crap. I always wonder how many of them believe their own crap vs how many actually know that it's BS. lots of blame the sick person/victim going on with them. not cool. sorry you went thru this, glad you got away from it.

doing things that lift you up- like you said- making jewelery, friends, and connecting w nature, gratitude, good music, etc - those things are are more helpful for ones spirit. :)
take care