Hey guys... this thread is running so incredibly fast.... guess what I am sick ....
I am happy to see you all have so much energy.... so here I will reply to a few old comments:
I am back from a journey and now I will install this software these days and then you will hear from me. I am very interested in finding out if there is a connection of thyroid and POTS. In fact it is my priority 1 "path of attack" right now. And I think we have a much better chance to succeed if we collect a bunch of people with POTS and thyroid issues and compare.
If your BP drops upon standing, then you have orthostatic hypotension and no POTS. 100% sure. This shouldnt sound like some academic nuance, but it is a really important distinction to make. It is the very definition of POTS to have a >30BPM increase in HR
without a drop in BP. I send you this because you will have better chances of finding similar people using the right term...
Having said that, here some detailed descriptions of what helped me with POTS:
- choline
- daily 1h of exercise (if needed seated or even laying. I started doing a few minutes per day! increasing by minutes!) + vitamin D resolved my highly pathologic A1 adrenergic antibodies