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Special article for Mothering Sunday:‘Death means we believe you now’: dismissed as a neurotic mother


Senior Member

‘Death means we believe you now’: dismissed as a neurotic mother

This is a special article for Mothering Sunday by Claire Norton, Merryn Croft's Mum who agreed to be interviewed by a freelance journalist.

As I said previously, there’s no happy ending to this story. Over the next two years, Merryn deteriorated further and died at home, aged just 21. Following an inquest, her death certificate states ME as the official cause of death.

Two daughters dead, my concerns ignored or dismissed both times. I ask myself: Could I have done more? Said more? Spoken more assertively or eloquently? It’s unbelievable that this still happens. For me, it’s reminiscent of the witch trials, where drowning meant you were innocent. Death means we believe you now.