A total of 1,144 persons with HIV infection rare
The National Register of infection detected in 2010, a total of 39 new cases in Spain of HIV-2, HTLV-1 and HTLV-2
A total of 1,144 people in Spain suffer human retrovirus infections than HIV-1, the principal agent of AIDS, as HIV-2 or HTLV-1 and HTLV-2, which together have added 39 new cases 2010, according to latest figures of the Spanish Group for the study of human retrovirus infections than HIV-1, which celebrates the 15th December at the Hospital Carlos III of Madrid the XXI Annual Meeting.
The group belongs to a network of 40 hospitals and research centers belonging to the National Health System (SNS), under the direction of Dr. Vincent Soriano, Service of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Carlos III, responsible for the National Register of infection HIV-2 and HTLV since its creation in 1989.
According to this record, so far 244 cases have been reported in HIV-2 infection in Spain, of which 163 are men, mostly infected through heterosexual sex and 10 percent co-infected with HIV-1.
The new cases identified in 2010 added 24 and the majority are immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa. However, four new cases have been described in native Spanish, and although the majority of new cases were asymptomatic, two of which the presentation was a lymphoma.
For his part, during 2010 have been reported 13 new cases of HTLV-1 infection in Spain with the national registry collects 175 cases. All cases diagnosed in 2010 are immigrants from Latin America, except a Spanish woman who presented with tropical spastic paraparesis. One of their sexual partners was in Ecuador and, despite remaining asymptomatic, was diagnosed after infection with HTLV-1.
Regarding the number of cases of infection with HTLV-2 accumulated in Spain the figure is 725. It is mostly in Spanish, many with a history of using intravenous drugs. For this reason, experts point out, many are co-infected with HIV-1 and chronic hepatitis C sufferers.
In this regard, in 2010 identified two immigrants have been infected with HTLV-2, one from Ghana and one from Brazil. Both are asymptomatic and probably acquired the infection from sex, says the record.
As for the new human retrovirus described in recent years, experts agree that its origin is in jumping from species of primates to humans in West Africa. This would have described two new HTLV, called HTLV-3 and HTLV-4, and a new variant of HIV-1 group called P.
In Spain have not been identified so far infected with these retroviruses, mainly from Cameroon and neighboring countries, including Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony.
Moreover, the new retrovirus XMRV seems to have originated in a leap from mouse to humans. Although at first XMRV infection was associated with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome, the results of international research groups have confirmed the role of human pathology XMRV permanently.
In any case, experts say there are "major problems" for the diagnosis of infection XMRV and still unaware of many aspects of the biology and transmission of this virus. However, fear has been raised in the United States have been excluded from blood donation in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
BREASTFEEDING, main route of transmission of HTLV
During the meeting also presented the results of epidemiological studies of HTLV made by the group in recent years. In the case of pregnant women, breastfeeding is the main route of HTLV transmission to the newborn.
In this regard, the HTLV test performance as evidence of "ante-natal" in more than 2,500 pregnant foreign residents in Spain has identified seven cases, all in Latin American pregnant. For this reason, experts stress that "it would be advisable to" make the HTLV test to all pregnant women from endemic areas, mainly in Latin America.
For two years, many blood centers have begun screening for HTLV in blood donors from endemic areas. In this way, and throughout 2010, Madrid have been identified in nine cases of infection with HTLV-1 and two HTLV-2.
For its part, the transfusion center of Catalonia, where it becomes the universal screening of all donors HTLV, only in 2010 have identified four cases of HTLV-1 infection in two Spanish and two Latin American as well A case of HTLV-2 infection.