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Sore Throat following physical activity


Senior Member
Does anyone get a sore throat after physical activity? Following clear limits I worked out yesterday but pushed it a little bit too much. The consequence was that I was very fatigued for the rest of the day and couldn't even do standard paper work. Before I went to bed my nose started running and today I feel miserable, have a sore throat and tons of yellow mucus accumulated in my nose.

This happens in 90% of the cases where I overdo it a little bit and feel extremely fatigued for the rest of the day after working out. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I always thought that it takes more than 24 hours for symptoms to occur after a cold/flu infection.


Senior Member
I usually get sore throat and glands as part of PEM. Can have a slight sore throat that night but it usually takes a day or two for it to develop. The throat / glands etc was when I first identified PEM early on.


Senior Member
Yup. Flu-like symptoms, including sore throat are the primary symptoms of PENE for me.

This is just crazy. My nose has been running the whole day, the flu like feeling is killing me but I don't get fever and I'm quite sure that tomorrow morning, everything is back to normal. It has always been this way. I get ill for 1,5 days and then symptoms decrease but I don't feel healthy. It's like the body stops clearing the virus half way through and never finishes the job.


Senior Member
my throat stays sore..glands stay swollen sometimes it gets worse than other times for some reason..
it help if i eat ice chips popcicles throat drops or throat sprays..


Senior Member
This is just crazy. My nose has been running the whole day, the flu like feeling is killing me but I don't get fever and I'm quite sure that tomorrow morning, everything is back to normal. It has always been this way. I get ill for 1,5 days and then symptoms decrease but I don't feel healthy. It's like the body stops clearing the virus half way through and never finishes the job.

Sounds to me like you've got a push - crash cycle. :eek: Most of us find that we have a slow decline with that pattern


Senior Member
This happens in 90% of the cases where I overdo it a little bit and feel extremely fatigued for the rest of the day after working out. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I always thought that it takes more than 24 hours for symptoms to occur after a cold/flu infection.
I used to have that. My first cfs doc explained it's due to pro-inflammatory cytokines released as a result of activity.


Senior Member
I get the sore throat, swollen glands, feel super sick stuff when I've overdone it too. Happens every time, but still manages to boggle me a little every time it shows up ("How can I be so SICK because I had a conversation???"). Lately I seem to be getting a bit of chest congestion/cough too.

I figure it probably has something to do with the immune system not holding things at bay as effectively as it usually does (which, to be fair, it doesn't always do a great job of with us anyway). So anything lurking in there gets to play for a while until I've recovered. Makes sense to a certain extent. I figure either I'm using up too much energy in general and the remainder is being diverted to only the most critical systems, or that the exercise (or something triggered by it - cortisol release, etc.) is triggering a temporary suppression of the immune system (and either it lasts longer for us than "healthy" people, or we just need ours more urgently all the time so notice the difference much more profoundly). ...Or the strain causes a backlash of inflammation or something. ...Or it does something else that's super bad, and the body is diverting resources to try to deal with whatever that is. ...Or that it's somehow creating a lovely environment for viruses/bacteria. ...Or, or, or...

Either way, definitely feels like crap. Sorry you're suffering.


Senior Member
It sounds like you might have caught a cold or something from the runny nose. However, if you didn't have a cold, what you're experiencing as others are saying here is classic post-exertional malaise. The thing about it is there isn't enough discussion outside the usual ME/CFS circles about what PEM is so people are confused when they encounter it. It's more than severe prolonged fatigue after exercise --- it includes flu-like symptoms like that you're experiencing as well as swollen glands, mental confusion, insomnia, etc.

It's also interesting that some people say they keep catching a cold; while they may actually have caught a cold, it might be PEM instead from overactivity since PEM, to me anyway, feels like how I used to feel when I had the flu while I was healthy -- only it lasted days, not years.

And a caution -- PEM can also occur with overexertion mentally, not just physically. Since PEM can occur immediately or can lag, it makes it extra hard for us to associate PEM with an activity sometimes.


Senior Member
Day 2: Contrary to my expectation I'm still ill. I couldn't sleep during the night, my throat hurts so much, that I cannot drink regularly. My head aches and I have pain in my limbs. To be honest, it feels like a strong cold, not more and not less. What is interesting however is, that during the night, while I had a little fever, I could think and feel emotion much more clearly. The brainfog cleared up to some degree. On the other side the cold symptoms drag me down so much that I cannot make use of this improvement. Either CFS is an autoimmune disease or a viral disease or both, in my eyes.

A question that bothers me for a long time now is: Who guarantees that the human body can clear itself from a cold or flu? We all know, even through own experience, that colds or flus can last from several days up to several weeks, depending on virus and human. If an infection can last up to several weeks, can it last for several months as well? Or can it last even longer and can it become chronic? It's interesting that I never found an answer to this question and there is very little literature about it.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
A sore throat is one of my early warning signs that Ive been doing too much (can happen before a post excertional crash).

My own theory for it is that I must have something reactivitng when Im overdoing it.


Senior Member
what does the slow decline look like?

After a crash, you don't quite get back to where you were before. You may not always notice it immediately after the crash, but if you look back over several crashes you can see that you are not as well as you were previously. Sometimes, of course, it's clear you're not back to pre-crash conditions right away. It depends on a lot of factors.

Symptoms like sore throat, swollen glands, muscle aches, migraines, gut issues become more frequent until they're continuous. Some symptoms can get worse. If you have a relapsing-remitting pattern it will eventually become a continuously ill with increasing/decreasing degree pattern.


Senior Member
Or can it last even longer and can it become chronic? It's interesting that I never found an answer to this question and there is very little literature about it.

FWIW, I had a doctor once that told me disinfect my toothbrush and water bottle daily when I have a cold so that I don't keep reinfecting myself. I guess the cold virus mutates rapidly or some such. Anyway, disinfecting things I put to my mouth frequently did seem to reduce the length of my colds. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but it works for me, so I keep doing it. ;)
Winfield, Illinois
Symptoms like sore throat, swollen glands, muscle aches, migraines, gut issues become more frequent until they're continuous.

Is continuous inevitable ? Can it be staved off? I think the following part of your quote addresses this, but I'm confused. Not through any fault of yours, my mind has this neat trick it likes to play on me where it takes things and makes it backwards - I can't explain it, but it's always a problem when I'm trying to understand things.

[/quote]Some symptoms can get worse. If you have a relapsing-remitting pattern it will eventually become a continuously ill with increasing/decreasing degree pattern.[/quote]

relapsing - remitting pattern? relapsing means? crash/become ill after pushing? remitting means?.... I can't even guess.

increasing/decreasing - does this mean the symptoms.....well, I'm just confused and I'm sorry for not being able to understand it because it seems so well worded, but yet, I'm confused. If you're up to it can you dumb it down for me a little more? thanks
Winfield, Illinois
FWIW, I had a doctor once that told me disinfect my toothbrush and water bottle daily when I have a cold so that I don't keep reinfecting myself. I guess the cold virus mutates rapidly or some such. Anyway, disinfecting things I put to my mouth frequently did seem to reduce the length of my colds. Maybe it's a placebo effect, but it works for me, so I keep doing it. ;)

That's interesting, do you ever feel like we're just super sensitive to just about everything out there and that if we go to great lengths it could reduce external assults that perhaps undermine everything? Not sure I just made sense, but lately I feel like everywhere I turn I'm facing some kind of something that I should be aware of, but am not.