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Some antibiotics work by stressing bacteria out (metabolically)


Senior Member
Midwest USA
Well, now, doesn't this all sound a bit familiar?? Emphasis is mine...replace "bacterial" with "MECFS sufferer"

A new study provides direct evidence that antibiotics sometimes don't kill outright. Rather, they create conditions for bacterial demise by upsetting their metabolism, leading bacteria to a state of oxidative stress that ultimately breaks down their DNA and other key molecules.

The antibiotics tested in the study -- ampicillin, kanamycin, and norfloxacin -- didn't kill just by attacking their distinct direct targets. Instead, they killed bacteria like infections often kill us: by wreaking general havoc that allows organ failure to deliver the finishing blow. People don't necessarily die from infections; they die from complications due to those infections. These bacteria didn't die from antibiotics; they died from complications due to antibiotics.

Good to know even the bacteria are getting more study money than we are...:rolleyes:
