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somatoform disorder syndrome the facts



somatoform disorders can be a label attached to collection of symptoms of unexplained origin otherwise known as an ill defined syndrome. So it is not medically a disorder at all like heart disease etc because its cause is not known---sound familiar

Family stress is BELIEVED to be a cause in some instances

It MAY result from unconcious mimicing of parental behaviour

Cultural factors APPEAR to play a part

Genetics MAY also play a part

Somatoform SYNDROME is of unknown aetiology who's existence independent of a diagnostic label is in doubt

So the Psychos want to reclassify unexplained medical conditions as unexplained psychiatric conditions---Brilliant!


somatoform disorders are a collection of symptoms of medically unexplained origin or an ill defined syndrome

Family stress is BELIEVED to be a cause in some instances

It MAY result from unconcious mimicing of parental behaviour

Cultural factors APPEAR to play a part

Genetics MAY also play a part

Somatoform SYNDROME is of unknown aetiology who's existence independent of a diagnostic label is in doubt

So the Psychos want to reclassify unexplained medical conditions as unexplained psychiatric conditions---Brilliant!

Yes in a court of law, one is innocent until proven guilty, but in a medical office, psycho until proven otherwise. What's wrong with this picture:worried::scared::eek:


Senior Member
Woodridge, IL
one key thing, though.....at least in the current DSM, you have to have had the illness at an earlier age than many people have CFS in order for it to fit the criteria for somatoform- somatoform disorders are considered more along the lines of personality disorders (even though they are an Axis I diagnosis, rather than Axis II like personality disorders) in that they are thought to be very ingrained lifelong patterns

......If I am remembering rt, they say that the illness has to have started before the person reaches 30 yrs of age (and like I said, usually much younger - presenting a life long issue) if it is to be considered a somatoform illness....this is a fact that the psych lobby has been conveniently ignoring (along with so many other facts)