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Solfeggio Frequencies

I'm not overly familiar with these yet and can't vouch for them personally, but I've seen some people claim they're helpful and have heard synchronous mentions of them lately. This is what Sibyl AI suggested to me:

1. 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair): This frequency is often referred to as the "Miracle Tone" and is believed to help with DNA repair, which is crucial for cellular health and function. It is thought to promote increased energy, clarity, and peace, which can be beneficial for those suffering from CFS.

2. 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships: This tone can enhance communication, understanding, tolerance, and love, which might not directly influence DNA repair but can improve interpersonal relationships and emotional support, important for holistic healing in CFS.

3. 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition: This frequency may help individuals clear toxins and electromagnetic radiations that can be found in their body. Detoxifying the body can support better cellular function and contribute to overall vitality.

4. 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order: Associated with a higher state of consciousness, this frequency is said to bring the body back into spiritual order. It is also linked to the frontal lobes, potentially enhancing cognitive functions which can be impaired in CFS.


Que sera sera
Here’s a few I like but I have a large playlist. There are so many. Listen within and see which ones your body likes and which ones your body doesn’t. I never force.



Que sera sera
I'd love to hear more about your experience with them. What have they helped you with? How often do you listen to them?

Well, at points and time of this illness nearly every food, medicine and supplement was causing full body (varying levels) mcas.

I’ve been bedridden for nearly 7 years now and slowly started introducing an adrenal one 5? Years ago and then an infection one and I started developing a daily rhythm. I actually felt soothed with these frequencies at times to varying degrees…and I was really astonished.

I now view frequency and energy medicine from an even different platform prior to severe and I certainly credit it with me still being here 💗🙏


Que sera sera
I actually listen to frequencies sometimes up to 8 or so times a day. I listen within and let my body guide me and never force. It’s been a really intriguing process. I found my body craved certain frequencies at different times of the day. The patterns have been really interesting and led me to deeper discoveries. I also use some scalar energy devices past few years as well.