sodium bicarb, acidosis, and my BP went up a tad ?? and Sjogrens. :)


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
115! UGH!! no wonder you were hyponatremic, @MeSci. I feel bad when my sodium gets a few points low, in the mid 130's.

To update, after I started on pot. bicarb last year, my POTS symptoms slowly resolved. I stayed on it for almost a year, and now am mostly off of it. If I start getting sore muscles for no reason, I do another round of it. But I have not caught myself having a low BP since I started taking it - I stay up above 90/60 pretty much all the time. It definitely fixed something. I still have some level of OI, etc. esp. when I am bending down and standing back up. The terrible near blackouts have mostly resolved - I might have one now and then when I am actually dehydrated.

I did go low on potassium at one point while taking it, so I still need extra potassium (currently seems to be 10-20 MEQ, depending on what my bloodwork shows). I have not stopped needing extra salt either, though my need for it is generally lower than last year.

I had myself tested for Sjogrens and am negative, though I still have persistent dry eyes. For some reason, while I was taking p. bicarb, my ears started making wax again, though. :) My mouth is not nearly as dry & burning when I have sufficient bicarb. Dry mouth is another symptom for me that I need bicarb.

I guess that's all I can say about it. It has been good stuff for me.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
115! UGH!! no wonder you were hyponatremic, @MeSci. I feel bad when my sodium gets a few points low, in the mid 130's.

To update, after I started on pot. bicarb last year, my POTS symptoms slowly resolved. I stayed on it for almost a year, and now am mostly off of it. If I start getting sore muscles for no reason, I do another round of it. But I have not caught myself having a low BP since I started taking it - I stay up above 90/60 pretty much all the time. It definitely fixed something. I still have some level of OI, etc. esp. when I am bending down and standing back up. The terrible near blackouts have mostly resolved - I might have one now and then when I am actually dehydrated.

I did go low on potassium at one point while taking it, so I still need extra potassium (currently seems to be 10-20 MEQ, depending on what my bloodwork shows). I have not stopped needing extra salt either, though my need for it is generally lower than last year.

I had myself tested for Sjogrens and am negative, though I still have persistent dry eyes. For some reason, while I was taking p. bicarb, my ears started making wax again, though. :) My mouth is not nearly as dry & burning when I have sufficient bicarb. Dry mouth is another symptom for me that I need bicarb.

I guess that's all I can say about it. It has been good stuff for me.

We seem to have opposite symptoms - I have HIGH bp, too much earwax and, at least when exposed to artificial perfumes, too much saliva. :D


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Did you have all of those before taking bicarb? :cat:

Yes. It hasn't made any difference to those, except that I think my ears get blocked less often now, maybe as a result of my general leaky-gut/gut alkalising diet and supplements.

Incidentally, I also use bicarb drops to help clear the ears. It seems to help better than other things I've tried.

Not a problem for you, I know, but might help others!


Making the most of it
So I had fasting blood work last week, and it showed a low-moderate level of acidosis (anion gap = 19.9). I have other fasting blood work that shows my anion gap as high. So I decided to alkalyze... I stopped eating kefir and cut down on decaf, and am substituting more alkaline forming foods. I also decided to add a pinch of bicarb and some Calm magnesium powder to my twice-daily electrolyte mix. I have been doing this for a week now...

And voila, for the last few days, my diastolic blood pressure has popped up a notch. It usually runs in the 50's - and I feel crappy - and for the last few days it's been a rock solid 63. I know it's not a HUGE improvement, but I do feel better.

It has me wondering if my acidosis could be from renal tube acidosis, and by alkalyzing, maybe my body is wasting less water trying to deal with it. Or maybe this is just a blip on the radar, and it will go back down at some point.

I have a new theory that almost all of my stuff could possibly be caused by Sjogrens - which my uncle has, and I have had the dry symptoms from it for years and years. I am not diagnosed, but I talked to my doc today about heading down that path. When I was reading up on it, I came across info on renal tube acidosis and interstitial nephritis being common kidney issues with it. Also the info about it attacking the lining of the stomach and causing gastric atrophy. Basically, Sjogrens would explain every symptom I have.

So I'm curious if anyone else has tried bicarb/alkalyzing and noticed any results - positive or negative? This lab rat is curious. :) Or any thoughts about Sjogrens - on topic or not - are appreciated, too.


Hi there @BadBadBear I'm wondering if your high anion gap has improved since this post. If so, what do you think helped?

Over time my anion gap is creeping higher 17 (8-16); bicarbonate lower 21 (22-31). I have managed to bring my sodium up to 141 (137-145) from 135 with Himalayan salt in water.

Potassium is 3.9 (3.2-5.0) and chloride 107 (98-111)

BP 107/60 sitting today tested by the nurse.

I am not overly concerned at this stage being just out of the range, but I would like to know how to correct this, if possible.

Best wishes Andy


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
Hi Andy,

Yes, my anion gap has stayed in a good range (around 11) and I'm not needing to take potassium bicarb anymore, after being on it for a year.

Yeah, if yours is 17, it's definitely creeping upward. How are you feeling? I felt horrid when mine was at 19.

Have you tried a titch of sodium bicarb to see how you feel? Post back if you try it. It was dramatic for me, how much it helped at the time.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Question: I can't take sodium bicarb as it raises my BP. I do need something to reduce urine acidity. Suggestions?



Making the most of it
Thanks for responding @BadBadBear. Great to hear you managed to improve this.

I may do some experimenting with potassium bicarbonate. I am feeling pretty unwell, but this could be due to any one (or all) of a number of health issues I have! :sluggish:

Best wishes to you Michelle!


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
Question: I can't take sodium bicarb as it raises my BP. I do need something to reduce urine acidity. Suggestions?

Maybe one day, try several potatoes in a row an hour apart. It probably would be difficult, though, to keep that up day after day. Still, a person can live for quite a while on nothing but potatoes.