Hi B.E.Girl! I received my "permanent" s.s.disability in 2000. In all this time I haven't heard from them or received anything in the mail. Fortunately (I guess) I've had the same PCP for the last 20 years...and he was the type that WANTED me in for monitoring every 6-8 weeks....until this past Dec. (when my Ins. dropped him and assigned me another dr., who is VERY supportive and even knowledgable about ME/CFS!)
Now I'm glad my former doc required that frequent interaction!(although I hated having to get out of bed so often to go in!)
I also see (every 3 months), both a Neurologist and an Infectious Disease Specialist...and am on long term high dose AV'S..and about to add Tagamet for viruses (chronic shingles).
The only aspect that worries me a bit is that when I was first dx'd and applied for disability (after the 2 year wait of not being able to work) I was told I had FM and CFS. Over the years, as I began to see additional doctors (my I.D. Doc in particular) the dx of "ME/CFS" due to chronic enteroviruses, and OI was added.
Now...if I get a form like yours in the mail...will I complicate matters by ADDING to the original dx? I suppose I may not have a choice...if my doctors have to fill out any forms....they will be adding that info, along with the AV meds, too.
Did they ask for your Doctors reports/files...to deal with them directly?
Oh no!...I just remembered ...the Neuro has recently dx/reversed dx/reversed it BACK!...MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment...a pre-cursor to early dementia - even gave me a prescription for Aricept)...which I, of course, tend to disagree with - instead preferring to believe that I have cognitive/memory problems due to the ME/CFS. I'm not ready to consider the alternatives, yet!
I'm very interested in what transpires for you! (and what might be in store for me!) Please keep us up to date with your situation, if you can.
Regardless, as for me, I'm much worse than I was when I first applied for SSDI. I'm housebound/bedbound, ONLY (literally) leave for dr. appointments, (no market, shopping, entertainment, socializing...I go nowhere), am a 2 on Bell's scale...and although the heavy Antiviral use has improved the Memory/cognitive problems (anyway, they have in my opinion)...I've had no improvement in any other area...and this has been regularily documented. (although I AM nearly ten years older now!...and bound to have declined some)
It's a bit scary, having read of others "horror stories" with clue-less investigators and unsympathetic judges! I never even had an in-person interview...just filled out the original forms, turned over MANY medical records, test results and talked to someone on the phone for about 5 min...and was approved on the basis of that.
Well...I sure hope things work out for you! I'm sure you don't need the added stress of the unknown...do you feel confident that your disability will be continued?
(BTW...Did the "form" say what it was FOR? I'm located in California....don't know if that makes any difference.)
Keep in touch! jackie:Retro smile: