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Social Anxiety Disorder aka Social Phobia


Senior Member
the city
Does any one have it? (or family members having bipolar, schitz, or social anxiety)

Social anxiety disorder is a chronic mental health condition that causes an irrational anxiety or fear of activities or situations in which you believe that others are watching you or judging you. You also fear that you'll embarrass or humiliate yourself. Some research suggests that a structure in the brain called the amygdala may play a role in controlling the fear response.

I realize this is a narrow question, but I'm asking because I suffer from it--and had it long before I developed CFS. I feel that my genetics are involved here.


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
no, and the best studies show that this is not related to ME/CFS. i.e. no bigger a percentage of us have disease-associated psychiatric-classified conditions (such as secondary depression and anxiety) than other chronic disease, and no more of other psychiatric-classified conditions than the population at large.

See Stein, "Guidelines for Psychiatrists"

Note that this in no way minimises the reality or seriousness conditions such as those mentioned in the OP. Also note that I say psychiatric-classified because I take issue with the convention of dividing diseases into medical and psychiatric categories; the so-called psychiatric diseases generally have biomedical causes as well (see for instance Konradi et al. "Mitochondrial dysfunction and pathology in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia." Vanderbilt).


Senior Member
the city
Willow within that study it reads " A disturbance of energy metabolism is frequently observed in these disorders. Several pieces of evidence point to an underlying dysfunction of mitochondria:" CFS-ME is also described by similar findings. I am in no way saying that depression/anxiety= ME and in no way supporting those buffoons that say this illness is mental. I just beleive that my vulnerable genetics predisposed me to ME-CFS. In Social Anxiety Disorder it is believed that the amygdala is overly sensitive.



คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
all I can tell you is that the stats say there is no particular connection betwixt depression/anxiety and ME/CFS. That does not predispose one to getting this particular disease--just not possible statistically because otherwise there would be an elevation in people who have both as compared to other diseases and that's just not what we find (unless you ask the buffoons, as you well describe them, who distort their data, either deliberatly or out of stubborn ignorance/preconceived notions).

Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, etc. are a components of a large variety of diseases. These sorts of things are shared between depressive disorders and and ME. And also shared with Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Huntington's, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Friedreich's ataxia, uremic encephalopathy, and lots more.

There could be shared risk factors for getting depression and/or anxiety and additional disease in general (but not ME specifically).


Senior Member
the city
WillowJ--I appreciate your response--its looks like youve done the research + I like your 2 quotes!

Mark-thanks 4 the article im still reading it.