Desdinova, that does sound discouraging. but I think with PFL and the Light's data the majority would overrule Natleson's and Kent-Braun's position, at least for the actual ME/CFS (as opposed to CF) disease or subgroup if stratifying the current population is all that gets accomplished. Rajeevan said that was the take-away for him, and if CDC stratifies what they have it should become more obvious who is which disease or syndrome (CF being the syndrome, which is mostly populated with people whose doctors are too busy or too prejudiced to try hard enough, or to try at all, to figure out what is wrong, but which might, or might not, include an as-yet-unidentified disease or two).
However I think Mangan understands Jason's point, and Mangan ought to be in a position to lobby to HHS for CF to be disconnected from ME[/CFS]. And I know Alter gets this. Having people (or even a person) at NIH who get this is new.
One of the encouraging things that I saw was someone from NIH in the final recap talking about activation of various cells in the brain and how some of them could be a result of priming, but for some of them to be activated required an ongoing infection, and she sounded so excited about both kinds but perhaps particularly about the ongoing infection kind.
We heard so much pathology about ME[/CFS] specifically told to NIH, who was listening that I cannot see how they could continue to lump in CF with the actual disease of ME[/CFS].