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So, I had Covid


Senior Member
Hi everyone
Some of you may or may not know that I work as a carer part time around my kids, two weeks ago I worked 26/27 dec then on the 28th once home got a call to say one of the young men who lives there had a high temp (we only look after 3 disabled men aged 28-53). Things spiralled from there I began to feel unwell as did 75% of the staff team. We all went on to test positive. We have no idea how the virus got into our workplace. Everyone has slowly made a recovery thank goodness, of between 8-14 days, and we all did our isolation periods along with our families.
My symptoms were terrible sinus/migraine headache, a raised temp, aching limbs and joints, sore ribs, a rash on my hands and feet and a slight cough. Thankfully only a bit breathless on exertions. I slept about 60% of the first few days and at times struggled to even lift my head. The exhaustion remains now (though not as badly) and I’m now just hoping it doesn’t set off a bad ME reaction now. I am also still taking pain relief every day.
Im scared by the people still not taking this seriously.
keep safe everyone,
Sarah x

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Im scared by the people still not taking this seriously.
keep safe everyone,

oh boy, so glad to hear your on the improving end of all that!

Long ago, I used to view illness as something that existed so we could better appreciate being healthy.

Now, healthy itself is a bit of an iffy concept. The longer I invest in this hiding from COVID, the more- iffy it feels...I'm more scared to possibly go out...like Don't Push Your Luck....

So @Sarahloudobby ..you did not take any COVID medications per se? Or get any specific treatments?



Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Sarahloudobby - I'm very glad to hear that you're all recovering! And sorry to hear about the fatigue, but I understand that's par for the course. My sister and her husband have COVID, they're recovering and quarantining, but still have yet to get their energy back. She's not used to being tired like we all are! They also lost their sense of taste and smell, I'm not sure if that's come back yet or not.

I know a few other members here who have recovered from COVID as well, and I haven't heard of any long-term sequalae from any of them - but COVID is definitely something to be avoided if at all possible! Thanks for posting and take care :)


@Sarahloudobby - Thank you for sharing your experience with us. As ME/CFS patients, it's frightening to not understand how we might handle a Covid infection. I'm glad to hear that you and your co-workers have made a full recovery. I just learned about an hour ago that a friend's son-in-law passed away from Covid today. He was in his early 40's and had been in the ICU and had been healthy as far as I know.


Senior Member
I am so glad to hear you are beginning to feel better! Thank you for letting us know, and sharing what happened to you. I send you all my kind thoughts and wishes for your complete recovery.

One thing I definitely noticed with Covid, was an imperative need to rest. That was just the Covid, apart from the ME/CFS. It was so important to approach the "feeling a bit better" time with a serious attitude of "convalescence". (Like they used to do in the old days!)

I actually felt a bit euphoric after the Covid was on its way out. Yes, a bit breathless, but so much better in myself in many ways, but there was always this message from my body....REST!!

So please be extra kind to yourself, make sure you eat highly nutritious and very easy to digest food, and take very much rest. Sleep if and whenever you need to. Take care, and wishing you well.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone sorry to hear @Wolfcub you we’re also poorly with it and also about other people being affected by it. So sad that it’s affecting previously healthy people so badly too.
I always take echinacea and eat a mainly meat free diet as my main ways of trying to keep healthy, hoping I’m slowly getting better each day it seems that way at the moment.
Take care all x
Hey! I had it- I didn’t have too hard of a time, though at first after recovering my crashes were more frequent with requiring less, now i don’t really know what crashes me, but I can still do as much as I use to I think

Interestingly I didn’t develop antibodies