SNP Results. Please help


Senior Member
The serum B12 test is not an accurate measure of B12 unless it's low.
MMA, and transholocobalamin are supposed to be better. If you've done a Doctor's Data Urine Essential Elements, B12 would show up as cobalt.

Too bad the test doesn't show oxidized and reduced glutathione, instead of total glutathione. You want to have a lot of the good reduced glutathione, and not much of the bad oxidized glutathione.

I was just rereading my notes from the MTHFRsupport podcast on the SNPs. They said the following:

VDR–vitamin D receptor–drains vitamin D. Vitamin D 125–a metabolite of vitamin D. There can be a skewed ratio in people with infections, especially Lyme according to Dr. Lesley Fein, which causes a pro-inflammatory state. Giving vitamin D may not be the best thing in certain cases. An apparent vitamin D deficiency can actually be a magnesium deficiency. If you get enough magnesium, vitamin D could possibly come back up. If you have gut issues with absorbing/metabolizing fat, Dr. Tim will switch a patient to water soluble Nicolai's vitamin D (an emulsified form) until gut is healed.

There can be fat metabolism nation and gallbladder problems due to improper bile flow. Methylation keeps that flowing. If you have methylation issues there's a higher probability you're not absorbing fats. Ox bile will help gallbladder issues especially if it's been removed and you're having problems digesting fat. In this case you can also have problems with absorbing fat soluble vitamins. Too much vitamin D will deplete vitamin A, E, K ( all fat-soluble vitamins). Everything needs to be in balance.

Although your mag does look ok on the test. Do you have any symptoms of mag or potass deficiency, such as muscle cramps, feet twitches waking you up while sleeping, heart palps, etc.? Are you taking mag and maxed out - as high as possible without having diarrhea?

Been tested for Lyme?
Hi @caledonia , long time, no talk.

I dont have any of those mag/potass symptoms. Interesting read from that podcast. Ive heard that more than once about the lyme. Even my doc is stumped and says its some kind of infection. I think Im definitely digesting fat because I have plenty of it. I had a lot of gall bladder attacks in the past then they removed it because they said it was working at 0%. Well, now that I dont have one I still have the same pains and discomfort. Im guessing the liver is in distress. Lots of sharp pains, cramping, and burning (like icy-hot on the inside) coming from it. I wake up now with no appetite, usually feel nauseated, have weird tastes in my mouth (sometimes metallic), all along with the usual lack of energy, aches, pains, crappy sleep, and brain fog.

I don't take any mag. I usually have diarrhea anyway because my bile is constantly flowing now. First thing in the morning is the worst because it includes the overnight bile accumulation.

I tested for lyme a few times through LabCorp. I've done every test they offer for it and co-infections. Always negative. I think there is someplace in California, that's supposed to have the real sensitive tests but its expensive. I tried the Marshall Protocol for a few weeks and got no die off. Good thing because its not a sustainable protocol financially. Ive pulsed with other antibiotics looking for any reaction but got nothing. I tried high doses of MMS too with no luck. Either they are buried REALLY DEEP in my cells and I need to saturate myself with IV antibiotics or its something else.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

You may be thinking of: IgeneX.

Lab Corp tests for Lyme and co-infections are not thought to be very accurate. All labs have a fair degree of inaccuracy but IgeneX seems to be one of the better ones. Many insurance companies cover their tests. Infectolab in Germany is another one with a good reputation.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks @Sushi

I just found a really good article explaining Vit D dysregulation/infectious disease link.

Maybe I need to revisit the infection theory.

Many ME patients are found to have low Vit D 25 and high Vid D 1,25. Many also have intracellular infections. So yes, it seems worthwhile to investigate.



Senior Member
Hi @caledonia , long time, no talk.

I had a lot of gall bladder attacks in the past then they removed it because they said it was working at 0%.

I don't take any mag. I usually have diarrhea anyway because my bile is constantly flowing now. First thing in the morning is the worst because it includes the overnight bile accumulation.

From the same podcast quote - they're saying without a gall bladder you'll have trouble digesting fat. Have you tried the ox bile they mention? How about the water soluble Vit D instead of fat soluble Vit D?

Your ACAT mutation factors in there - ox bile is suggested for that.


Senior Member
Lab Corp tests for Lyme and co-infections are not thought to be very accurate. All labs have a fair degree of inaccuracy but IgeneX seems to be one of the better ones. Many insurance companies cover their tests. Infectolab in Germany is another one with a good reputation.
Labcorp said I was completely negative on all bands for Lyme. I tested positive with Infectolab.

Labcorp also said my ESR was completely normal at the same time, even though it tested quite high a week earlier from a hospital lab, and has been high in every other test since I got sick. So I'm not sure I trust Labcorp at all.
@caledonia @Sushi @Valentijn Thanks for all the relies. I got another test result. It was Sulfate on my 24 hr Urine Test. Range was something like 10-30, mine was a 36. No big deal I guess, just a little high. Its high on the urine test strips at home too.

I really cant afford any test other than what I can get through my insurance. What I CAN afford though is to try some things to see if I can get a "die off" if its some kind of infection. Im always hearing and reading about how stealth infections can "hide" inside their own bio-film type of structure. I just got some concentrated grapefruit seed extract. Its supposed to break down those films so either the immune system can fight them or another agent. I just started taking the GSE yesterday (at double the recommended dosage) and havent felt anything except the start of a mild sore throat but that went away. My ears are a little achy today too. I will probably get some Cat's Claw this Friday when I get paid and see what happens with that. Lyme and Co. are supposed to hate that (from what I've read).

In going this route if anyone has recommendations they would be greatly appreciated.