SMCI Storms DC, Makes Needs of ME/CFS Patients Known


Senior Member
SMCI's statement "During over 30 advocacy meetings on Capitol Hill, we:.." is deceptive. SMCI under Carol Head only started lobbying on the Hill for the past year or two.

In years prior and under CFIDS Association, the org had stopped being an advocacy org - choosing instead to be exclusively a research org.


Senior Member
Sounds like quiet the marathon week @Rowena Ilagan. Bravo to the team over there and all their hard work! 30 meetings in one week is amazing. It's great to have smci fighting for us.. not sure what @nielks comment about years prior has to do with last weeks success.

I just rechecked and realized that I misread. I thought they wrote 30 years of meetings! I apologize for the mistake. (This is what happens when I read and comment while dealing with a migraine).
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