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Sleep regime causing bradycardia


Senior Member
Rats. It suddenly dawned on my last night after taking my Klonopin, melatonin and 5htp to check my hr and bp. Bp 90/56 And Hr = err.

Google said possible side effects from klonopin, 5htp and melatonin are bradycardia.

I checked because I wasn't just feeling sleepy. I felt weak. Maybe this just means I need less. I'm only taking .125 mg klonopin, appr.3 mg melatonin and appr 10 mg 5htp.

Oh I had magnesium citrate, natural calm, too but just a little.

Catch 22. I need these in order to sleep. Bummer. The upside is knowing now that these are causing bradycardia.

Anyone else ? X


Senior Member
@xchocoholic I was wondering if you ever solved this and still having bradycardia? I am over in the tachycardia camp LOL but am interested in both sides of the coin. What does your doctor suggest? Hope this issue has gotten better.


Senior Member
@xchocoholic I was wondering if you ever solved this and still having bradycardia? I am over in the tachycardia camp LOL but am interested in both sides of the coin. What does your doctor suggest? Hope this issue has gotten better.

I seem to have figured this out. Kow. I started staggering the meds and supplements in my bedtime regime so they don't all affect me at once.

So instead of taking these all at once right before bedtime I take them over a 1-2 hour period.

Hope you get your tachy figured out. I hardly ever get tachy. The only things that I''ve found helpful were to avoid certain chemicals, gf rice chex nails me, and homemade bone broth.

Tc .. x


Senior Member
Hope you get your tachy figured out. I hardly ever get tachy. The only things that I''ve found helpful were to avoid certain chemicals, gf rice chex nails me, and homemade bone broth.

Tc .. x

@xchocoholic Do you mean that homemade bone broth gave you tachycardia or that it helped? Just wanted to make sure I understood!


Senior Member
Right at this moment I can't remember if I just felt like my heart was pounding so hard that it was going to explode or I actually used my bp hr monitor to check it.

When I read your question, it dawned on me that I'm not sure if a pounding heart really means a hr is up. Or if the heart can pound without an increase in hr.

But homemade bone broths helped the pounding.

I'm exhausted so I can't think of the exact term but the broth needs to be the consistency of jello when it has cooled down. Otherwise it won't help.

I remember the pounding stopping after drinking this but I had to do it a few times.

Tc .. x


Senior Member
Right at this moment I can't remember if I just felt like my heart was pounding so hard that it was going to explode or I actually used my bp hr monitor to check it.

When I read your question, it dawned on me that I'm not sure if a pounding heart really means a hr is up. Or if the heart can pound without an increase in hr.

But homemade bone broths helped the pounding.

I'm exhausted so I can't think of the exact term but the broth needs to be the consistency of jello when it has cooled down. Otherwise it won't help.

I remember the pounding stopping after drinking this but I had to do it a few times.

Tc .. x

@xchocoholic Thanks and that is what I thought you meant.