'If you stop telling lies about M.E, we will stop telling the truth about you'
Quite frankly I would like nothing better than for Wessely to instigate legal proceedings against me. "
I couldn't agree more. I'd love to see him defend his lies, distortions and outright fraudulent 'research in' a real court. There is no point at all in being nice and polite to someone who has, for decades, misused his position of power to negatively influence the lives of such a vulnerable population. His quote that 'doctor's find ME patients disgusting' really summed up his whole attitude, and much of what he advocates is medical malpractice. He is at least indirectly responsible for the death of Sophia Mizra with his policy of forcing the bedridden to go to exercise 'therapy' or be forcibly committed to a mental institution, as 'a danger to herself'. That she was denied the tests that would have shown what her autopsy did show is verging on criminal, if not actually criminal.
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, there are laws prohibiting the suing of certain governmental officials and their actions, so there is really nothing left to do in our defense but call attention to Wessely's cruelty and corruption. We certainly are within our rights to speculate as to 'why' he is so cruel and corrupt.
Imagine the witnesses for the defense: Dr Meirleir, Dr Hyde, Dr Peterson, Dr Bell, Dr Cheney, Dr Klimas, Dr Mikovits, etc.