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Senior Member
Reading through some posts it seems that this issure has come to the fore. I have no doubt that Wessely is partial to the perusal of boards such as this and on that basis I would like to say this to Wessely :-

'If you stop telling lies about M.E, we will stop telling the truth about you'

Quite frankly I would like nothing better than for Wessely to instigate legal proceedings against me.


Senior Member
Already deleted.


I read this and left it and read it again... but each time I read it I am uncomfortable that Mohamed and "Jihad" have been used to make a point. Muslim members of the forum could find this gratuitous and offensive as it appears to suggest they may be more likely to wage war than Christians.

Please reconsider this remark and I will delete this post to remove any reference to it.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Already considered and deleted.

I find it deeply offensive. The most offensive thing is the cavalier way in which the remarks were made. The last time I looked the armies currently invading the middle east are made up of "Christians".


Senior Member
Martlet, I find the post offensive too and I agree with the points made by Koan & Garcia, and ask that the post be edited, thanks.


Senior Member
'If you stop telling lies about M.E, we will stop telling the truth about you'

Quite frankly I would like nothing better than for Wessely to instigate legal proceedings against me. "

I couldn't agree more. I'd love to see him defend his lies, distortions and outright fraudulent 'research in' a real court. There is no point at all in being nice and polite to someone who has, for decades, misused his position of power to negatively influence the lives of such a vulnerable population. His quote that 'doctor's find ME patients disgusting' really summed up his whole attitude, and much of what he advocates is medical malpractice. He is at least indirectly responsible for the death of Sophia Mizra with his policy of forcing the bedridden to go to exercise 'therapy' or be forcibly committed to a mental institution, as 'a danger to herself'. That she was denied the tests that would have shown what her autopsy did show is verging on criminal, if not actually criminal.

I don't know about the UK, but in the US, there are laws prohibiting the suing of certain governmental officials and their actions, so there is really nothing left to do in our defense but call attention to Wessely's cruelty and corruption. We certainly are within our rights to speculate as to 'why' he is so cruel and corrupt.

Imagine the witnesses for the defense: Dr Meirleir, Dr Hyde, Dr Peterson, Dr Bell, Dr Cheney, Dr Klimas, Dr Mikovits, etc.


'If you stop telling lies about M.E, we will stop telling the truth about you'

Quite frankly I would like nothing better than for Wessely to instigate legal proceedings against me. "

I agree too.


Billy Boy



'If you stop telling lies about M.E, we will stop telling the truth about you'

As much as I'd like to blame all this mess on Wessely and Reeves, they didn't do it alone now did they? They had plenty of help.:Retro mad:

Aww heck, game of darts, anyone?


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Okay everyone. First of all, I apologise from the bottom of my heart for my earlier ill-considered remarks. No excuse, no mitigation. I am sorry if I caused offence and want to thank you all for putting a needed dent in my pride, especially since I was on my way out to church when all this blew up and the sermon was, coincidentally, about pride.

Of course, this doesn't mean I will stop doing my moderator job with the same red ink, but I will think more carefully before I make any comments.

Again, sorry and thanks.


Senior Member
Thank you so much, Marlet! Isn't it amazing how often we get just what we need. And, why is it that what we (meaning me, usually) so often need is a bop on the head? :innocent1:

thanks again!


Senior Member
Buddha's view on this

Well, since this religious figure has not been mentioned yet on this thread, here is Buddha's take:

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned." [Buddha]

I really fail to see how venting over Wesseley helps us progress in finding a cure for ME/CFS. Working for political change is helpful, venting is not. Maybe if all that anger were directed productively??


Senior Member

Weaselly uses some particularly strong stuff in his own lectures. He likes to show people how hated he is.

He uses an example from a UK group where he was said to be a child abuser. If he wanted to start legal action he would have done it a long time ago.

My own personal opinion is that he revels in the "abuse" and likes to show this to people to demonstrate how he suffers.


Senior Member
Hi Kurt,

As you no doubt know, I am always happy to see the Buddha's teachings anywhere! Thanks for this.

While it is a powerful teaching, true in every way, it is not the totality of the teaching. Before we get good at letting go of our unpleasant or distressing feelings, like anger, we usually have to make friends with them. Those who may feel intense emotion regarding Wessely, may not have been able to easily come face to face with those feelings alone, sometimes in isolation, in the past because they are too painful or overwhelming or, in the past, may have led to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and despair. I don't know.

And, anyway, all we can really "judge" is our own ability to let go and move quickly from the first heat of anger or judgment or whatever to a place of compassion. Which reminds me, that earlier on this thread I found compassion for Wessely through this process.

I hope your interest in Buddhism grows!


ETA Just want to say that I think this energy is also directed in a productive way! It is not stuck - it is still angry, though. Maybe one day everyone will feel only compassion for him... maybe not so much. We'll see.



Weaselly uses some particularly strong stuff in his own lectures. He likes to show people how hated he is.

He uses an example from a UK group where he was said to be a child abuser. If he wanted to start legal action he would have done it a long time ago.

My own personal opinion is that he revels in the "abuse" and likes to show this to people to demonstrate how he suffers.

I think that you are right I,d love to get his narrative history he,s getting attention and peer approval he would only be worried about criticism from people with authority over him. he propably also has a desperate need to be seen and heard.He probably only feels the need to please his political or financial masters and knows how to maintain proximity to them thie hating women thing is also very interesting


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Since we are putting forth religious leaders' words (rather than using them in a derogatory fashion) Jesus would say, "Pray for those who persecute you."


Senior Member
Near St Louis, MO
Thank you so much, Marlet! Isn't it amazing how often we get just what we need. And, why is it that what we (meaning me, usually) so often need is a bop on the head? :innocent1::

As I generally remind people, I am a practicing Christian. When I get it right, I will be dead! :D


Senior Member
As I generally remind people, I am a practicing Christian. When I get it right, I will be dead! :D

I say exactly the same thing. Except, who knows how many more times I'm gonna have to be dead before I get it! :scared:



Senior Member
Hello Kurt you are right of course, as is Lily about Wessely not being the only one. Our Government has allowed Wessely, White,Chandler, Sharpe to dictate policy towards us. Please understand Kurt this just isn't about hate. Yes it might not look constructive, even destructive, but these posts are logged onto the internet forever. Although Wessely bashing is a cathartic experience for many of us here I would like to make the following points :-

1) Some of us can do little else. Those that are housebound, very sick, and ill, are very limited. For them this carthasis can be useful.
2) There are many people logging onto here who don't know what is happening in the UK. I had never heard of Wessely five years ago. It was only because of bulletin boards like these that I found out what he was doing and why.I want to know who is tormenting me; why my GP looks at me with disgust; why the general public thinks I am 'depressed'; why others can't obtain the benefits they are entitled to; why the MRC has never funded any research into obvious biological abnormalities. The why's go on and on.........
3) I see all these posts as being another brick in the wall. They may not appear to be pragmatic but collectively they emerge into a wall of solidarity. I believe one of reasons why Reeves was 'relieved of his present duties' ( isn't it today btw, that he 'moves sideways' ? ) is because of the internet
4) These posts are my witness statements. One day Wessely will be judged in the wider court of public opinion, if not in the criminal courts themselves.
5) Wessely often complains about us; i believe with all my heart that threads like this are read by him. In fact I know he comes on here now and again. I intend to give him a tough ride; not only for me but for all those that have suffered because of him; and please note he has made sure many have suffered, and i'm not just talking about M.E.

Kind regards, Mark


Watchoo lookin' at?
"Crimes against humanity, as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Explanatory Memorandum, "are particularly odious offences in that they constitute a serious attack on human dignity or grave humiliation or a degradation of one or more human beings. They are not isolated or sporadic events, but are part either of a government policy (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority. Murder; extermination; torture; rape and political, racial, or religious persecution and other inhumane acts reach the threshold of crimes against humanity only if they are part of a widespread or systematic practice. Isolated inhumane acts of this nature may constitute grave infringements of human rights, or depending on the circumstances, war crimes, but may fall short of falling into the category of crimes under discussion."-wikipedia

Just sayin'