Sinus surgery


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Here is something else to consider – it could be TMJ dysfunction rather than strictly a sinus problem as the symptoms are very similar. This is particularly true if you have Ehlers Danlos syndrome, which I do, and I only discovered in the past year that my “sinus” problems were actually rooted in TMJ dysfunction. I found some rather simple pressure points on the face and in the mouth that have greatly relieved the painful headaches. I found this help from a TMJ dental specialist who has a YouTube channel.
I could suspect having EDS but strugling getting a proper diagnosis, would you have any advice on what test or where to look at for this?


Senior Member
Hi @Sushi.....I can't say for certain that I have Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, but I wouldn't be surprised that most of us have it (@civicko), but definitely not to the same degree.

A few years ago and starting now (again!), I had pain that ranged from my ears, to my upper teeth and lower teeth, both sides. Pain under the eyes.....I couldn't even guess as to which Dr. to see.

An appointment I had with my osteopath was kept and after it was over, she told me to go to a dentist immediately. It turned out that I had two abcesses, one on each side of my mouth. It was serious enough that he came in on a Saturday to see me and removed the offending teeth. So these pains we have are really hard to wander from one doctor to the next, and each can find nothing wrong in his/her specialty.

How wonderful to have a doctor who can actually put together the entire human body. Worth his/her weight in gold. Some of the doctors now retiring or dying used to be willing, even though they were specialists. But such thing. So find a good GP or Internist who can save you from a lot of running around.
My osteopath is also good, thankfully.

I know what I'm suffering from now is caused by nerve pressure....and I do use acupressure also. A good place to press is the roof of your mouth for something like coughing. Around or over the eyebrows for sinus...just find the place where it hurts, and the bridge of the nose. Good luck. Yours, Lenora
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I could suspect having EDS but strugling getting a proper diagnosis, would you have any advice on what test or where to look at for this?
It is indeed difficult to find a doctor knowledgeable enough to diagnose EDS, however if you suspect the hyper mobile type you can look and online for ways to self diagnose, which are pretty much the same methods a doctor would use as they don’t yet have a test for hypermobile EDS. And if you want to test out whether TMJ issues are involved you can just try the pressure points as shown by Dr. Priya Mistry, “the TMJ Doc