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Simon Weasely Video to Watch

This is my first time listening to him. He is very well spoken and comes across well. He is also a marketing person for psychology. I guess that is how he managed to weasel his way into taking over cfs/me. But I think he is a psychopath. He has his nerve continuing to claim expertise over cfs/me when he knows it is likely caused by a virus. He makes me think of that medical doctor in England? (or was it Scotland?) that took the lives of people he cared for over the years and no one suspected him. Once the infection cause is clarified, he will have to let go. You're going to have more psychiatrists than you need in Britain. Why is he marketing the field to attract more people? Hopefully he will soon have his 35 years in and he can retire.


Senior Member
A devastating "listen to" - what a bombast - he even has the nerve to place himself above the specialists in all other branches of medicine. Must send to my brother (Prof Neurology and MS specialist/researcher who knows his patients as people - completely). Oh and has the humility to say "we don't know everything" but learning. But thanks for posting - very shaky foundations the Psychos.


Senior Member
Yes and his three children (various specialites) who came across the symptoms in their Practices many years ago - had discussed, tried to understand, and see with much pleasure the growing international findings "unlocking" ME. Unfortunately their own hectic medical commitments take all their time, but first on board when it happens. Yes Francelle I agree and thought must I look at this man who has brought so much suffering to ME. But did at the risk of blood pressure going through the roof. But in a strange way worth it to see he has nothing to bring to ME - never had - and we have our Experts now.
But I think he is a psychopath.

Either that or a sociopath - the latter being my thoughts ever since I first read about him 5 years ago.

He makes me think of that medical doctor in England... that took the lives of people he cared for over the years and no one suspected him

I presume you mean Dr Harold Shipman who was thought to have killed at least 218 (possibly many more) of his patients, although I'm not sure he actually cared for his patents - he just took care of them in a rather drastic way.

Makes you think:
- A Psychiatrist who appears to show sociopathic tendencies and probably needs to get help from another Psychiatrist.
- A GP who decided the best cure for many of his patients was death.

Just makes you wonder who else is lurking about under the guise of the medical profession :eek:


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Where's his trademark bozo the clown 'fro?

Thanks to Prof. Wessely's mentoring here I am considering a career in medical scumbaggery.


Senior Member
Where's his trademark bozo the clown 'fro?

Thanks to Prof. Wessely's mentoring here I am considering a career in medical scumbaggery.

Scumbaggery! I love that word! And so very, very appropriate for his work. ScD = doctorate in scumbaggery. I'm up for voting for an Honorary Doctorate in that field for our friend Prof Wessely.


Senior Member
Difficult to be restrained here. We've had the pernicious influence too long in the world of ME/CFS. Perhaps he should come clean and admit psychiatry is in areas it does not belong.


Senior Member
Brought psychiatry into disrepute in the UK with it's long held position that ME/CFS is just in the mind. This type of thinking has permeated through to GPs and even A & E departments (I was presented with one following collapses and blackouts). That is - if our tests show nothing you must be bonkers/imagining it all. Good historical background here - mass hysterias etc. One would have thought the whole profession had learned their lesson by now. And now international research/findings are proving them wrong here yet again. The arrogance of it. I'm advised it is incumbant on medical professionals to keep up to date with research.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Look at his eyes.
Folk forget that Hannibal lector in the original "Manhunter" film was far more like the character in original book, he was not malevolent in the slightest, no he was charmingly urbane and normal, which when coupled with his intellect and cold blooded zeal was what made him so damn scary, rather than the ridiculous "boogey man" they turned him into in the later dumb films.

As folk noted about the horrors of the concentration cmaps and the perpetrators of such, it was the BANALITY of it, the normality of most of those who did these things, and the self assurance that they were doing valuable, even "good" work.

Wessely, as a psychiatrist, is a master manipulator since he knows how people "tick", problem is for such folk: can they tell when they are actually fooling themselves and have crossed the line?


Senior Member
Heapsreal - that's the single word that came out of my mouth at the end of the video.


Senior Member
Competition: Best anagram of Simon Wessely

Some anagrams of Simon Wessely to get you started

Miss Lee Snowy

Ewe Slimy Sons

Messes Wily On

Nemesis Yowls

Nosy Eels Swim

See Slimy Owns

See Slimy Sown

Seemly Is Owns

Seems Wily Son

Sense Slim Yow

Smile Yes Owns

Sos Wily Semen

Yeses Slim Now

Can anyone do better? No particular rules. You could have letters of just simonwessely or add prof or psychiatrist etc. There are anagram engines to help on the internet, just Google create anagrams or similar. Off you go then -- you could make a name for yourself!


Senior Member
Me Slowi Nessy
Ims One Swelsy
Owns Me Liesys
My Sense Slowi
Is My Sense Low
Ow Is My Lenses
Now Is Smelsey
(If fun words allowed)