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Simmaron ci HHV6 finding


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

What has interested me was the treatment course of valcyte which was 6-9 weeks to get results. its definately a hit them hard and get out of there thing.

Two treatment regimes, a short-term regime (900 mg/valganciclovir 2x’s/day) lasting 3 weeks and a longer term (900 mg/valganciclovir 2x’s/day for first three weeks then 450 mg twice daily for three weeks or more) lasting greater than or equal to six weeks. The short-term treatment had no effect on viral load (U100 RNA) or symptoms while the long-term treatment eliminated both. A blood test five weeks after the end of the treatment one patient, however, indicated the virus was back in full force. - See more at: http://simmaronresearch.com/2013/08...syndrome-patients-in-us/#sthash.XoeKd1Ae.dpuf

Also seem to push the immune modulators to get the immune system going to keep these viruses down once the valcyte was stopped??



Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I think Dr. Montoya does a minimum 6 months with 9 months to 1 year not uncommon. The comment about "every time they stopped the Valcyte, the HHV-6 was back at full blast in 5 weeks in some cases". What then? More Valcyte?

Maybe a new AV will come along that is much more targeted on HHV-6 and have a more lasting effect.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
These drugs tend to target viremia, or serum viral load. Targeting intracellular tissue load is something else entirely, and why we may be having so much trouble. If I am interpreting the science right, we simply cannot get rid of these viruses, only suppress them. That means that getting immune function back up is the only way to maintain suppression.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i think its the poor nk function that allows these viruses to reactivate after antiviral treatment has stopped but i think we have know this for along time now?


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Maybe heaspreal, I think that is part of it. As the evidence grows I think poor B cell function has a part to play, and there are suggestions that Tregs and other immune types may be involved. Its a smorgasbord of possibilities, and it may turn out that multiple immune problems are involved.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
It was kind of interesting to that things that fought inflammation hydrocortisone and ibuprofen were some of the very things that re-activated it. My last saliva cortisol test was flat-lined at the top end of the highest range. That might not make sense as some labs low level fluctuates through the day, but they will leave the high range the same all the way across the board. I'm going to check it again and if it is still running high I have a bottle phosphatidylserine I'm going to use in the afternoons and bedtime to bring it down. If that works I'm going to get my DHEA(s) and aldosterone checked. If my aldosterone is low I'll have to see if my doctor will write me a script for the natural compounded aldosterone that a pharmacy makes in Canada. If aldosterone is low, trying to bring it up with Florinef is not the right way since Florinef is a synthetic portion of aldosterone that effects blood pressure and several other things. Aldosterone is involved in as many processes as any other hormone we try hard to balance, but yet we very seldom test for it. In other words trying to balance out the adrenals before moving on and re-checking my thyroid and testosterone again, but I think they are staying in the good range right now, but that will change probably, if I have to add some DHEA and/or aldosterone.