Significant improvement with iodine!


Senior Member
@Sherpa I tried iodine last week. Taking one capsule of kelp daily which apparently supplies 400mcg (could be the wrong units). On the second day I got this really wired feeling and haven't been the same since. Energy is way down. I have a feeling that the iodine overstimulated my adrenals as well, or maybe I don't need it at all. my doctor put me on it because i tested low in a spot urine iodine sample, but I read that there's little evidence that this is accurate. Anyway since the kelp I have had heat flashes, and sometimes night sweats, and terrible energy, which could be down to adrenals but not sure? Im still supplementing twice daily with DSF formula, 200mg pantothenic acid, 2grams Vit C and a few others. Ive tested twice low for ceruloplasmin so looking into that as Im really quite lost atm

There's allot of possibilities here, but in my situation, I either used too much iodine which made me go hypo, or my adrenals couldn't handle the increased thyroid activity. So far it seems to be an adrenal / hpa-axis issue.


Senior Member
@burgeo10 : Boosting thyroid via iodine or any medication (natural thyroid, synthroid, whatever) can be very dicey if your adrenals are not healthy enough to support the boost in metabolism. I have done a little pushme-pullyou between those glands, myself. But because I had been working on my adrenals for a while before starting iodine I may have not had the problems I would have if I started iodine before getting my adrenals healthier. It's hard to say. I had enough problems starting iodine as it was. But IME and from what I've heard, if your adrenals aren't ready, iodine and other thyroid boosters are problematic.

Your symptoms sound a little like mine when I first started iodine. It could also indicate some detoxing. Iodine pushes bromide and other members of the halide family out of the iodine receptors in the thyroid and other places. When that stuff starts circulating it can cause problems before it's finally excreted. Iodine also is supposed to displace mercury in the body, which can also cause all kinds of problems. If you're able, you consider adding salt, selenium, and magnesium to your regimen. These things have a very good track record in ameliorating symptoms from iodine detox. Also keep up with the vitamin C.

@pogoman: I've heard for a long time that painting iodine is more effective than oral ingestion, and I swear I'm starting to believe it. Hard to fathom why it should be so, but there you go. I seem to be having a better response via sleep and actual lab values with the painting, than I did when I was taking it orally. I've been painting it on my scalp lately. Double good effect is that it makes my hair soft and shiny, and *may* be helping with hair growth. My shedding has decreased markedly and I seem to be experiencing regrowth since I've been painting as a regular thing, although it's hard to tell exactly what's helping my hair the most as I'm doing so many other things that could be beneficial. My whole body is just in better shape, which of course is going to reflect in things like hair and skin integrity.

Anyway, I think I'll stick to painting from now on. Taking it orally *might* have somewhat of a bad effect on the gut, although if you don't take too much that's probably not a worry. But if we get the desired results from painting, why take the chance?

The other thing I do for specifically for thyroid in addition to iodine painting is I take Ultra Glandulars Raw Thyroid. I think this is a very good supplement for an overall boost, although I did have trouble with it the first time I tried it several years ago. It was a bit more stimulating than I could take, probably because of the state of my adrenals back then. But I like it just fine now and I think it's helping. I also take Raw Adrenal by the same company.


Senior Member
@pogoman: I've heard for a long time that painting iodine is more effective than oral ingestion, and I swear I'm starting to believe it. Hard to fathom why it should be so, but there you go. I seem to be having a better response via sleep and actual lab values with the painting, than I did when I was taking it orally. I've been painting it on my scalp lately. Double good effect is that it makes my hair soft and shiny, and *may* be helping with hair growth. My shedding has decreased markedly and I seem to be experiencing regrowth since I've been painting as a regular thing, although it's hard to tell exactly what's helping my hair the most as I'm doing so many other things that could be beneficial. My whole body is just in better shape, which of course is going to reflect in things like hair and skin integrity.

Anyway, I think I'll stick to painting from now on. Taking it orally *might* have somewhat of a bad effect on the gut, although if you don't take too much that's probably not a worry. But if we get the desired results from painting, why take the chance?

The other thing I do for specifically for thyroid in addition to iodine painting is I take Ultra Glandulars Raw Thyroid. I think this is a very good supplement for an overall boost, although I did have trouble with it the first time I tried it several years ago. It was a bit more stimulating than I could take, probably because of the state of my adrenals back then. But I like it just fine now and I think it's helping. I also take Raw Adrenal by the same company.

Yes, the evidence seems repeatable that painting has better availability.
Maybe because the thyroid is near the skin also?
I took close to 1mg of kelp/iodine pills yesterday without painting and I seemed more tired at the end of the day.
No side effects tho.

FWIW when I had endo labs a year ago, my free T4 was .8 with a normal range of 0.8 - 1.5 ng/dL and TSH in the middle of normal range.
Of course the first endo doc I saw dismissed them as normal and not related to my myopathy and low hormone/anemia labs.
There is a thyroid related condition called Hoffman's Syndrome that at the time seemed what I had, it causes a myopathy with stiffness and pseudohypertrophy of the muscles.

I have been doing alot of studying since this improvement on what is a normal iodine intake.
In the US the RDA is low, just enough to stop goiters.
However, in Japan the daily diet is estimated to supply 1 to 9 mgs of iodine.
And my mother was Japanese, my dad was pure Okie and both had muscle pain issues in their later years.
So I am wondering if I have a genetic need for more iodine.
more hmmmmmmm lol


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
I'm up to 9mg of iodine... and aside from the detox I experience at dosage increases.. and feeling very good.

Somehow my thyroid got filled with bromide and didn't have enough iodine, and all the years of chronic stress and taking Propecia lowered my testosterone production.

I've also started to gentle cycle a testeosterone boosting herbal supplement... TestoJack 100 by NOW... and the combination of thyroid and testosterone boost is incredible.

I am going to power yoga classes, pumping iron at the gym, frolicking on the beach in full sun, and going out with friends to bars and clubs (not drinking) etc. :balloons::thumbsup:
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Senior Member
I've also started to gentle cycle a testeosterone boosting herbal supplement... TestoJack 100 by NOW... and the combination of thyroid and testosterone boost is incredible.
Hmmm. This is food for thought. My libido is kind of in the toilet lately.

Is this supp recommended for men only, can you tell me (don't have time to research/look at it right at the moment)?

Good for you, Sherpa! :thumbsup: :D


Senior Member
I'm up to 9mg of iodine... and aside from the detox I experience at dosage increases.. and feeling very good.

I've also started to gentle cycle a testeosterone boosting herbal supplement... TestoJack 100 by NOW... and the combination of thyroid and testosterone boost is incredible.
Thanks for sharing Sherpa. So you think that the Iodene is helping your thyroid and the Testo is helping you produce testosterone? I think my glands are working OK but its the signals to produce more testosterone which are not working well. Can I ask what Iodene supp you are taking ?


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
@whodathunkit I have not read any reviews about TestoJack 100 for women, but a quick web search suggests the main ingredient
(tongkat ali) can help women's sex drive and muscle mass too.

I have read a lot of reviews of (testestorone precursor) DHEA by women, where they say it helped their hormone balance... but is a very potent horomone, do a lot of research before embarking. I personally prefer herbal solutions first, escalating to hormones only if herbs and nutrients don't work.

@Bansaw Yes... my CFS was very much aggravated by hormone issues... thyroid and testosterone. I started taking Life-Flo Liquid Iodine Plus for small doses... starting at 500mcg and then increasing in 1mg increments, slowly. Once I reached about 6mg I switched over to split 12.5mg Idoral tablets. Currently at 3/4 tab.

And I'm feeling alive, well and a lot more like a "normal" person.
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Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
@Gondwanaland I just took 0.5mg for a couple weeks, then went up to 1.5mg for a couple weeks, etc.

My bromide levels personally tested off-the-chart high... so I have been feeling palpable bromide detox symptoms: brain fog, malaise, anxiety... minor red dots and skin rashes.

These are somewhat relieved by taking ~2g of mixed ascorbate buffered Vitamin C powder and 1/2 tsp of Celtic Sea Salt mixed in about 8oz of water.

After several days or sometimes weeks at the new dose, my body 'adjusts' to it and it no longer produces detox symptoms. I just feel fine, good and normal.

At this point, I enjoy it until I am ready to increase the dose and ride out the next round of detox symptoms.

Note: Since taking iodine, I have had to wean down on my thyroid glandular as I no longer need it. I am almost off it completely.
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Senior Member
have read a lot of reviews of (testestorone precursor) DHEA by women, where they say it helped their hormone balance... but is a very potent horomone, do a lot of research before embarking. I personally prefer herbal solutions first, escalating to hormones only if herbs and nutrients don't work.
DHEA helped ruin my hair years ago. I was very, very estrogen dominant back then, and it might actually be of benefit now since I'm a lot healthier, but it was so bad on such a low dose that it's in my "categorically avoid forever" list. That's why I'm leery of any testosterone-booster, in fact. I'm going to mull this, though. Thanks, Sherpa!

P.S. Magnesium and selenium also help relieve the symptoms of bromide detox.


Senior Member
Personally, I don't think that my individual glands are malfunctioning, I think its my signalling mechanism thats at fault. I lived in a pretty volatile country for two years where there were gunshots waking me every night, and coup attempts etc. Something may have "fried" in my (I'm guessing), hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal gland due to high prolonged stress...?

Anyway, I think if I can address the signalling mechanism then the hormones will rectify. Thats what I sense. Theres a chance I could be wrong and I am looking at that Iodene/Bromine test.


Senior Member
@alex3619 .. this is would it be a bad idea to boost sodium (by taking 1 tbspn of sea salt a day) as a way of addressing CDI or dehyrdation??

geez,it's all so frikking complicated...

sorry for dragging the thread off point...

I did the iodine patch test once or twice.. was waay too liberal with it and felt incredibly sick afterwards...
@aquariusgirl and anyone else hitting problems with iodine. You are likely to be experiencing the detoxification of bromide and fluoride, both if which push iodine out of the way and compete for the same receptors.

You need to start at the lowest dose you can get in the Lugol's solution - I found the Heiltropfen 2%, which is 2.5mg per drop, a good starting point.

It is recommended to take the following companion nutrients:
100mg B2 twice a day
500mg B3 twice a day
C.600mg magnesium citrate/glycinate (just avoid mag oxide) a day, in divided doses
200mcg selenium or selenomethionine a day
As much Vit C as you can tolerate, in divided doses and at least an hour away from iodine.

Also, everyone taking iodine (and therefore dislodging bromide) needs to do the salt protocol, too.

This is the use of sea-salt/pink Himalayan salt/ any unrefined salt in water and on food. You take 1/4 tsp in 8oz water first thing, and drink lots of water immediately after taking the salt water. This reduces any potential stress on the kidneys because you will have reduced the concentration of salt.

You can use 1/2 tsp if detox symptoms, which look and feel very similar to hypo-t, hypo-adrenals, chemical sensitivities, etc, are particularly bad.

Repeat throughout the day as necessary, try to stay under a total of 1.5 teaspoons a day,mwhich is approx 2.3g.

The salt thing really, really helps.

For those in the UK, you can get a huge 450g grinder of pink Himalayan salt from £stretcher for £1.99. I grind mine into a lidded pot, keep my 1/4 tsp measure in a beaker, also lidded, and spoon in whatever I need whenever I need it.

Once you get over the initial shifting of bromide (it's used in a great many household products, foods and drinks, the latter more prevalent in the States, where bread and Mountain Dew are two prime offenders, and as a fire retardant in soft furnishings like sofas and mattresses), you'll find you can titrate up quite rapidly.

If you hit really big problems, stop the iodine for two days (pulsing), but keep taking the salt water and the companion nutrients. Resume at the same dose after those 2 days, and if it's still too bad, back off for another 2 days and resume at a lower dose.

The initial impact of even one drop of Lugol's can be profound, so take it slowly and build up gradually.

My first couple of weeks were a bit of a struggle, but the salt helped enormously, and once that bit was over, I went from 2.5mg to a current dose of 52.5mg.

You'll know when the bromide is being excreted because your sweat will smell different and your pee will stink :)
This is a good thing.

Some people take longer than others to detox bromide and get iodine levels up to normal in all tissues, but Brownstein reckons 6 months at 50mg a day should do it. After repletion, you only need a maintenance dose.

If you're dealing with a specific illness, like cancer, or "any chronic or severe illness", then 100mg or even higher is recommended. It's especially recommended for prostate and breast cancer.

If you look online for a free PDF of Lynne Farrow's "The Iodine Crisis", there's a lot of info about iodine repletion and repletion in there, and it gives a good explanation of why iodine went from being the Universal Medicine to being deemed toxic, courtesy the Wolff-Chaikoff paper and the advent of Big Pharma's new antibiotics in the late 40's/early 50's.


Senior Member
@aquariusgirl and anyone else hitting problems with iodine. You are likely to be experiencing the detoxification of bromide and fluoride, both if which push iodine out of the way and compete for the same receptors.

You need to start at the lowest dose you can get in the Lugol's solution - I found the Heiltropfen 2%, which is 2.5mg per drop, a good starting point.

It is recommended to take the following companion nutrients:
100mg B2 twice a day
500mg B3 twice a day
C.600mg magnesium citrate/glycinate (just avoid mag oxide) a day, in divided doses
200mcg selenium or selenomethionine a day
As much Vit C as you can tolerate, in divided doses and at least an hour away from iodine.

Also, everyone taking iodine (and therefore dislodging bromide) needs to do the salt protocol, too.

This is the use of sea-salt/pink Himalayan salt/ any unrefined salt in water and on food. You take 1/4 tsp in 8oz water first thing, and drink lots of water immediately after taking the salt water. This reduces any potential stress on the kidneys because you will have reduced the concentration of salt.

You can use 1/2 tsp if detox symptoms, which look and feel very similar to hypo-t, hypo-adrenals, chemical sensitivities, etc, are particularly bad.

Repeat throughout the day as necessary, try to stay under a total of 1.5 teaspoons a day,mwhich is approx 2.3g.

The salt thing really, really helps.

For those in the UK, you can get a huge 450g grinder of pink Himalayan salt from £stretcher for £1.99. I grind mine into a lidded pot, keep my 1/4 tsp measure in a beaker, also lidded, and spoon in whatever I need whenever I need it.

Once you get over the initial shifting of bromide (it's used in a great many household products, foods and drinks, the latter more prevalent in the States, where bread and Mountain Dew are two prime offenders, and as a fire retardant in soft furnishings like sofas and mattresses), you'll find you can titrate up quite rapidly.

If you hit really big problems, stop the iodine for two days (pulsing), but keep taking the salt water and the companion nutrients. Resume at the same dose after those 2 days, and if it's still too bad, back off for another 2 days and resume at a lower dose.

The initial impact of even one drop of Lugol's can be profound, so take it slowly and build up gradually.

My first couple of weeks were a bit of a struggle, but the salt helped enormously, and once that bit was over, I went from 2.5mg to a current dose of 52.5mg.

You'll know when the bromide is being excreted because your sweat will smell different and your pee will stink :)
This is a good thing.

Some people take longer than others to detox bromide and get iodine levels up to normal in all tissues, but Brownstein reckons 6 months at 50mg a day should do it. After repletion, you only need a maintenance dose.

If you're dealing with a specific illness, like cancer, or "any chronic or severe illness", then 100mg or even higher is recommended. It's especially recommended for prostate and breast cancer.

If you look online for a free PDF of Lynne Farrow's "The Iodine Crisis", there's a lot of info about iodine repletion and repletion in there, and it gives a good explanation of why iodine went from being the Universal Medicine to being deemed toxic, courtesy the Wolff-Chaikoff paper and the advent of Big Pharma's new antibiotics in the late 40's/early 50's.

I know there is a ton of potential for iodine use for chronic condition and CFS can be chronic so I think it could be useful, however I think there's a fine line, because in some circumstances I think too much iodine could cause hypothyroid symptoms. Maybe this is because the persons HPA-axis can't handle it or maybe there's other reasons. Also, there are situations where this doesn't happen. I'm honestly not sure why it works for some and not others, but I can't imagine it would always be an issue with detox.


Senior Member
I know there is a ton of potential for iodine use for chronic condition and CFS can be chronic so I think it could be useful, however I think there's a fine line, because in some circumstances I think too much iodine could cause hypothyroid symptoms. Maybe this is because the persons HPA-axis can't handle it or maybe there's other reasons. Also, there are situations where this doesn't happen. I'm honestly not sure why it works for some and not others, but I can't imagine it would always be an issue with detox.
Actually, the research done by Brownstein and Abraham shows decreased serum T4 post-iodine supplemtation, but no significant decreases in mean TSH, FT4 or FT3 values -

"Table 1: Effect of iodine supplementation in daily amount of 12.5 mg for three consecutive months on thyroid volume and thyroid function tests in ten Caucasian normal women (From reference 11)"

(Sorry, table wouldn't copy across)

"There was a drop from a mean T4 of 8.8 ug/dL before to a mean of 7.1 ug/dL after three months on iodine. No change occurred in Free T3 and Free T4. In the Discussion section,11 we stated:

The significant decrease in serum T4 observed in the present study, concomitant with the absence of significant changes in the mean values for TSH, FT3 and FT4, following one supplementation at 12.5 mg/day (Table VII), could be due to either a decreased secretion of T4 by the thyroid gland; or it could be due to lower levels of thyroxine binding globulin (TBG). The synthesis of TBG occurs in the liver and this synthesis is stimulated by estrogens.48 In the female rat, I-deficiency increases the sensitivity of mammary tissue to estrogens.37 I-supplementation to these female rats in amounts equivalent, based on body weight, to amounts of I required in women with FDB for subjective and objective improvement of FDB,10 had an attenuating effect on estrogen stimulation of the mammary tissue in those female rats, decreasing their response to estrogens.41 Therefore, the decreased T4 levels following I-supplementation could be due to a similar mechanism on hepatic synthesis of TBG, by decreasing the sensitivity of hepatic receptors to estrogens, resulting in decreased synthesis and release of TBG by the liver and decreased T4 levels. Since we did not include serum TBG levels in our thyroid profile, the explanation for this decrease of serum T4 levels must await future research."

My reading of this would be that the body is making more efficient use of serum T4.

Iodine is needed by all hormone-producing glands, and for proper utilisation of those hormones in organs and tissues.
@Gondwanaland I just took 0.5mg for a couple weeks, then went up to 1.5mg for a couple weeks, etc.

My bromide levels personally tested off-the-chart high... so I have been feeling palpable bromide detox symptoms: brain fog, malaise, anxiety... minor red dots and skin rashes.

These are somewhat relieved by taking ~2g of mixed ascorbate buffered Vitamin C powder and 1/2 tsp of Celtic Sea Salt mixed in about 8oz of water.

After several days or sometimes weeks at the new dose, my body 'adjusts' to it and it no longer produces detox symptoms. I just feel fine, good and normal.

At this point, I enjoy it until I am ready to increase the dose and ride out the next round of detox symptoms.

Note: Since taking iodine, I have had to wean down on my thyroid glandular as I no longer need it. I am almost off it completely.

@Sherpa I have read all your posts, and im really keen to do the Iodine Protocol. but would like to know your current view , were you able to do 50mg+ iodine, and how long did it take you to reach there. and do you still recommend it.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
@Sherpa I have read all your posts, and im really keen to do the Iodine Protocol. but would like to know your current view , were you able to do 50mg+ iodine, and how long did it take you to reach there. and do you still recommend it.

I only worked to to 12.5mg Iodine. I am now weaning off that. I have read Iodine can overstimulate the immune system in some cases. It’s a powerful but controversial therapy.

I going back to taking Thyrotrophin PMG which is desiccated thyroid glandular.