Sign this e-card by 28 Feb to thank the IOM committee!

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Fine, thank you
50 messages on the card now - some really great ones. Gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling! :woot:

Let's keep those signatures coming, and if anyone can help spread the word about this, please do!


Senior Member
@Ember, all of these points have been discussed on other threads and addressed. I understand that you may not agree with others' opinions and their counterarguments to your view (and Dr Enlander's), which is fine.

I don't think this thread is the place to rehash all those arguments. If you don't want to sign the card, that's your choice.

I think it's more appropriate to keep this thread for discussion among people who would like to sign the card. People are reading the other threads and are capable of making their own minds up about whether they're pleased with the report and would like to show their gratitude to the committee.

I agree.


Senior Member
Since when have we ever stopped free debates on a thread?
Nobody is saying you can't freely debate IOM issues. We often split threads to move off-topic comments to their own thread. There are a huge number of threads for discussing the negative parts of the IOM. Why derail this thread, which is a request to sign an e-card, with comments that really are more appropriate on other threads. I don't think its unreasonable to keep a thread on-topic. I think Sasha's comment was entirely reasonable.:):):)


Senior Member
It would be reasonable if it would be applied equally to threads that point out negative points to the IOM report.

There was another thread that was started by @Ember posting a blog that showed the pitfalls of the report.

A member slammed that blogger by stating that he could not have already read the whole report and therefore is talking from ignorance.

Yet, this card idea was started a day prior. No one is calling this thread out whether all the people signing this card have read it entirely and are knowledgeably acting.

There seem to be a lot of anger expressed toward those that are not feeling that this is an entirely positive development.

In addition, I feel that there is stifling of expressions. I don't think that this iOS the intent of Phoenix Rising. ( Ihope)

Although there are many positive aspects of the IOM report, I see a lot of problems which I feel should be addressed.

Should I feel bullied into silence?


Senior Member
This thread is really not the place to be discussing another thread. It's not about negative vs positive criticism -- it's about the thread topic. If a member starts a thread about a blog, then are only positive comments allowed about the blog? The key here is that the topic of that thread was the blog and a blog contains opinions by the author. People are free to agree or disagree. The problem here is this thread is about asking people to sign an e-card to thank the IOM. Those who don't wish to thank the IOM are hijacking the thread with critical comments about the IOM. There are other threads for this. For pete's sake, can members not respect the topic of threads. That's all that is being asked. And maybe instead of accusing each other of bullying, flaming etc, just respect that the IOM is a hot issue right now and we should be discussing it all without resorting to all this argument.

We don't need to go back to days like the XMRV wars - where if you questioned XMRV as a cause you were basically bullied off this forum by a small group who couldn't accept the opinions of others. We need to find answers together but yet again members are getting into over differences of opinions and having specific agendas.

Frankly if all this IOM stuff gets to be a moderation nightmare, I will be stepping down as a moderator. So please can't we all just get along, read the titles of threads and not take them off-topic, and respect the opinions of others and refrain from personally attacking members who don't agree.

if you think somebody had hi-jacked a thread, or is bullying, etc, use the report button.

Thank you.


Fine, thank you
Hi @Nielk - I'm simply asking that people stick to the topic of the thread, which is for people who want to sign the e-card.

I haven't done any slamming or calling people out or expressing any anger or stifling or bullying and I don't see any of that here either: just an attempt to keep things on-track.

Some people on this thread have raised the issue that not everyone wants to sign the card and that not everyone appreciates the report and I think that's fine, but this isn't a place for a big debate about the pros and cons of the report. There are plenty of places for that and everyone on the forum can see them.


Revolting Peasant
A number of messages have been added to the e-card in the last couple of hours that I have felt compelled to delete.

The card has been widely publicised so I'm not jumping to conclusions about any members of this forum and I may well be addressing thin air. I hope I am.

The card was set up to allow anyone who wanted to thank the members of the IOM committee the opportunity to do so and for no other purpose. No one is being forced to sign it - it is an entirely voluntary act - and it is appallingly bad manners to use this card to harangue the committee and make cheap points. If anyone is reading this whose post has been deleted, please make your feelings known some other way.

I know that there are a people who have reservations about the report or who reject it entirely. In setting up an e-card, it wasn't anyone's intention to offend or disrespect those who don't welcome the report but those who do welcome it have a right to say thank you.
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Fine, thank you
Thanks, @Scarecrow. Groupcard had the foresight to provide an edit facility in case anyone had the jawdroppingly bad manners to write offensive messages in a card that someone else had set up. So we need have no fear that this card will get hijacked. It won't, and anyone writing such messages is wasting their time.

As Scarecrow said, those of us who want to say 'thank you' have a right to do so. Those who want to say something else are perfectly free to find their own means of communication.
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Fine, thank you
Just seen a couple of nice messages from Deborah Waroff (who is Llewellyn King's friend who appears with him in many of his videos) and Pat Fero of the WI ME & CFS Assocation. Good to see!

And there's one in French (we've gone even more international!) which is lovely. :thumbsup:


Senior Member

Thanks to @Scarecrow for starting this and to all who signed! Thanks also to @Sasha for the updates and keeping this thread going.

The report is not perfect but I think it's important to acknowledge that it's a step in the right direction. There was a lot of hard work put into this and is possibly a milestone that we are getting recognition.

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