This thread is really not the place to be discussing another thread. It's not about negative vs positive criticism -- it's about the thread topic. If a member starts a thread about a blog, then are only positive comments allowed about the blog? The key here is that the topic of that thread was the blog and a blog contains opinions by the author. People are free to agree or disagree. The problem here is this thread is about asking people to sign an e-card to thank the IOM. Those who don't wish to thank the IOM are hijacking the thread with critical comments about the IOM. There are other threads for this. For pete's sake, can members not respect the topic of threads. That's all that is being asked. And maybe instead of accusing each other of bullying, flaming etc, just respect that the IOM is a hot issue right now and we should be discussing it all without resorting to all this argument.
We don't need to go back to days like the XMRV wars - where if you questioned XMRV as a cause you were basically bullied off this forum by a small group who couldn't accept the opinions of others. We need to find answers together but yet again members are getting into over differences of opinions and having specific agendas.
Frankly if all this IOM stuff gets to be a moderation nightmare, I will be stepping down as a moderator. So please can't we all just get along, read the titles of threads and not take them off-topic, and respect the opinions of others and refrain from personally attacking members who don't agree.
if you think somebody had hi-jacked a thread, or is bullying, etc, use the report button.
Thank you.