again - because the actual root causes can be so far back in time - and may not have symptoms at that time or at least no symptoms we directly attributable to the current state - it makes the unpicking of the puzzle rather challenging - but i believe this is the correct frame work to use to try to understand it.
@Garz -- I really enjoy reading your posts. They show an uncanny insight into what I think we're dealing with, even though it's usually difficult to pinpoint exact issues with each individual.
I once read an account of a super fit triathlete who started to become unusually fatigued during his workouts. It happened to coincide with having 3-4 amalgam fillings put in his mouth. So after a short while, he had those fillings removed; and lo and behold, his normal good energy returned.
Turns out he had about 16-18 other amalgam fillings, whose toxicity his body was able to handle. But it couldn't handle 22. We all have our tipping points, whether from amalgam or some other toxicity, or various kinds of chronic infections. He went on to remove the other 18 amalgams.
I believe modern medicine is literally in its infancy in understanding various kinds of infectious agents and their effects on the body (and mind, psyche, etc.). One Lyme researcher stated he believed there could be as many as 300 Lyme co-infections that have yet to be detected, much less understood.
As you say, if our immune systems were in good shape and we were in generally good health, these kinds of infections that pass our way and often stay embedded in our bodies wouldn't have any effect on us. But hit us with some type of trauma, and they can mobilize and become major issues in pretty short order. I think a lot of what people consider the normal aging process is just a gradual increase of various infectious agents in our body.
i am making measurable progress - but its in the order of a couple of percentage points per month -and that's on combination antibiotics, plus all buhner's herbs, plus biofilm agents.
One thing I do to treat many of my symptoms (especially chronic headaches)--with a hope of staving off more health issues--is regular coffee enemas, which I believe are great for vagus nerve stimulation and detoxification. I also put various agents into the enema solution, such as goldenseal, iodine, Methylene Blue, MSM, niacin, etc.
One agent that seems to have had a great beneficial effect is adding 3-6 grams of sodium ascorbate. Definitely felt better energy and mental clarity as soon as I started. -- I finally got the idea to ask "Perplexity" (online AI program) if it could find any information on people putting Vitamin C in their enemas, and what kind of results they got. I was surprised to get the following reply:
The third search result 3 discusses a study in rats with ulcerative colitis, where a vitamin C solution enema was found to shorten the induction of remission by directly suppressing inflammation and promoting mucosal healing, compared to a 5-aminosalicylic acid enema.
If you click on the link, the full abstract has more information. Makes it sound like Vitamin C enemas would be good for most types of GI issues besides ulcerative colitis, such as IBS, Chron's, SIBO, etc. Here's a bit more from the abstract:
"...the VC group showed increased expression of type I collagen, which is expressed late in healing, and significant epithelial regeneration was observed in colon tissue.
This all falls in line with my belief that our medical system should have a primary focus of Vitamin C based interventions. A rural country doctor in the late 1940's proved conclusively that IV Vitamin C is literally 100% effective in curing polio. It was so effective, he began using it on all his patients for every malady imaginable.
The story goes that when patients would come to see him, he would immediately hook them up to IV Vitamin C, and they would improve right before his eyes while they began to tell him what was wrong with them. From my own extensive experience with using coffee, and now Vitamin C enemas, I've come to believe taking Vit. C enemas have an effectiveness somewhere between IV Vitamin C and taking it orally. That's a powerful tool to have easily available to us!