SIBO, Gut-Brain Access & Vagus Nerve


Senior Member
South East England, UK
@SueJohnPat I take it that you don't ever eat gluten or lactose or soy? By eliminating gluten and lactose within a month my energy has come back and I am well. That is after 16 years + of it running out but I have also got rid of mercury poisoning and treated with over a year and half of various herbals to kill off borrelia.

Because I have Hashimotos I didn't realise the importance of eliminating gluten and for some of us lactose too because they can cause the immune system to launch an auto immune attack on virtually any tissue as well as the thyroid. In my case it was my brain too but now I feel like I have a new brain which is also recovering but there are still short episodes of it struggling.

As it's only just over a month that I have eliminated these foods I expect that my brain can improve further too. At least its wonderful to have non stop energy in my legs! Who would have thought that the final piece of the puzzle for me was a dietary one!

Medford NJ
@SueJohnPat I take it that you don't ever eat gluten or lactose or soy? By eliminating gluten and lactose within a month my energy has come back and I am well. That is after 16 years + of it running out but I have also got rid of mercury poisoning and treated with over a year and half of various herbals to kill off borrelia.

Because I have Hashimotos I didn't realise the importance of eliminating gluten and for some of us lactose too because they can cause the immune system to launch an auto immune attack on virtually any tissue as well as the thyroid. In my case it was my brain too but now I feel like I have a new brain which is also recovering but there are still short episodes of it struggling.

As it's only just over a month that I have eliminated these foods I expect that my brain can improve further too. At least its wonderful to have non stop energy in my legs! Who would have thought that the final piece of the puzzle for me was a dietary one!

@SueJohnPat I take it that you don't ever eat gluten or lactose or soy? By eliminating gluten and lactose within a month my energy has come back and I am well. That is after 16 years + of it running out but I have also got rid of mercury poisoning and treated with over a year and half of various herbals to kill off borrelia.

Because I have Hashimotos I didn't realise the importance of eliminating gluten and for some of us lactose too because they can cause the immune system to launch an auto immune attack on virtually any tissue as well as the thyroid. In my case it was my brain too but now I feel like I have a new brain which is also recovering but there are still short episodes of it struggling.

As it's only just over a month that I have eliminated these foods I expect that my brain can improve further too. At least its wonderful to have non stop energy in my legs! Who would have thought that the final piece of the puzzle for me was a dietary one!

i did totally eliminate all of these for four months, Horrible diarrhea , thought it was just a reaction., but lasted. Stopped and restarted . Did not work at all a second. Time either. I wish to god it would. May try a third time maybe had to get gut dysbiosis straightened out. I now eat low carb which seems to help. If I go totally carb free I have major issues. I am glad. You found this diet helpful.

My holistic thyroid Doctor tested for over 400 food allergies and recommended gluten free. I think for a lot of us it helps and it is worth doing , just did not work for me personally.


Rebel without a biscuit
I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to add some info.

I gave the OP's link to Dr Karrazian's talk on SIBO to my husband to listen to.
While it was free for the first week it now costs money to listen to and you don't find that out until after you've provided your email address and other details.

It's fine if you are willing to pay but only letting you know after providing personal information is not cool. To me that is a bad faith business practice.