here is my thread from last year re considering CPET, with some helpful responses. I looked this up today because I'm still considering doing it--a real struggle.
I e-mailed the Workwell people to see if there are other places that do it, and he said--very promptly--that only Betsy Keller in Ithaca, which I already knew about.
I did the submaximal test at a sports clinic last September--the tester had never dealt with someone like me before, but was very helpful. I explained what I wanted on the phone and went in with good info. He was very careful and patient, and explained everything thoroughly.
What I got from it was my anaerobic threshold (which is good to know, higher than I expected, and below my normal level of exertion in my daily mostly house-bound life) and a 3-day crash after a session of walking very slowly and gradually building up to a light jog over 15 minutes. That was actually helpful, as a very concrete link between physical exercise and PEM (although I could have done it without paying a clinic!) Unfortunately, the crash doesn't go on any record (and my cardio that I've just quit seeing dismissed it as "we're all tired and sore after exercise."
Since then, I've been rejected (and my appeal has been rejected) for disability, so that's why I'm debating it again. It's hard to decide, because I have some savings and family to live on if I don't get the disability immediately--and I've improved somewhat over the past year--but it would mean a lot to me to get it. It's partly a pride and human rights thing. Also, I have yet to have any concrete medical test that "proves" there is something really wrong with me, which is frustrating.
I really wish, like all of us, that I knew what the payoff would be! Good luck with this difficult decision.