Should i force myself to exercise?


If you really must exercise, only do just enough to stop feeling horribly frustrated and no more. You could have a very bad relapse. You probably have to stop exercising before it starts to feel difficult in order to not have a relapse. I would do something very small and see how that goes. Justa few exercises lying on the floor, or walk outside for 2 minutes or something, or less if you can't manage that without it feeling difficult. You may be able to do more but you really need to be careful. Everyone here has different exercise tolerances and you really have to get good at 'guesstimating' whether or not you can handle activity. It isn't easy. Good luck.


Senior Member
the city
If you really must exercise, only do just enough to stop feeling horribly frustrated and no more. You could have a very bad relapse. You probably have to stop exercising before it starts to feel difficult in order to not have a relapse. I would do something very small and see how that goes. Justa few exercises lying on the floor, or walk outside for 2 minutes or something, or less if you can't manage that without it feeling difficult. You may be able to do more but you really need to be careful. Everyone here has different exercise tolerances and you really have to get good at 'guesstimating' whether or not you can handle activity. It isn't easy. Good luck.

testing 123


Senior Member
The other side.
General rule of thumb is if you feel ill only do whats essential, if you feel really ill it's amazing how little this is.

If you dont feel ill then do what you feel like until you do.

Keep this pattern up until you figure out your normal 'envelope'. Live within it as much as possible.

Do not 'exercise' while PEM'd or DPEM'd as to do so can risk much unpleasantness. If this means you do no 'exercise' then thats the way it is.

Learn what is PEM/DPEM and what is not - learn whats abnormal and whats normal.

If you have enough energy to spring from horizontal to vertical and still feel like your not about to keel over after 15 mins then your probably not having a bad day.

It takes remarkably little activity to avoid the risk of clinical deconditioning and whilst some pwME are at risk of it from the way you've described your abilities I'd say it's not something to be concerned about.


Senior Member
the city
General rule of thumb is if you feel ill only do whats essential, if you feel really ill it's amazing how little this is.

If you dont feel ill then do what you feel like until you do.

Keep this pattern up until you figure out your normal 'envelope'. Live within it as much as possible.

Do not 'exercise' while PEM'd or DPEM'd as to do so can risk much unpleasantness. If this means you do no 'exercise' then thats the way it is.

Learn what is PEM/DPEM and what is not - learn whats abnormal and whats normal.

If you have enough energy to spring from horizontal to vertical and still feel like your not about to keel over after 15 mins then your probably not having a bad day.

It takes remarkably little activity to avoid the risk of clinical deconditioning and whilst some pwME are at risk of it from the way you've described your abilities I'd say it's not something to be concerned about.

thanks Wanka you are helpful
Seattle area
If you really want to know where you're at go get tested at U of Pacific with the Stevens Protocol.

If exercise lowers your anaerobic threshold, then you're playing a losing game by trying to "push thru it". You're aerobic system is broken and the way to improve is thru anaerobic exercises/ strengthening.

I can't find a link to it on the net. So I'd suggest you use the link to email Staci Stevens and ask her to email a copy of "Conceptual Model for Physical Therapist Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /Myalgic Encephalomyelitis". Figure 2 on P. 9 should answer all your questions.

If you have PEM, the tests results will help you use a heart rate monitor to stay within your limits. Staci is very willing to talk about all this after the tests and was very helpful at getting me started on an anaerobic exercise program. What she told me was, "The best advice i can give you is to stop doing your 25 min. walk every day." Exercise one day lowers my anaerobic threshold for the next.

As someone else has mentioned, look for papers by Staci Stevens or Lucinda Bateman.


Senior Member
Your symptoms are all too familiar

I was where you were at one time. Did the hardcore exercise thing for years after developing many of these symptoms, and became progressively worse. You need to get to the root of the problem, and if you don't know what that is, start with the gut. Paleo diet is a good start. Methylation protocol plus diet have been the answer for me.


Senior Member
the city
If you really want to know where you're at go get tested at U of Pacific with the Stevens Protocol.

If exercise lowers your anaerobic threshold, then you're playing a losing game by trying to "push thru it". You're aerobic system is broken and the way to improve is thru anaerobic exercises/ strengthening.

I can't find a link to it on the net. So I'd suggest you use the link to email Staci Stevens and ask her to email a copy of "Conceptual Model for Physical Therapist Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /Myalgic Encephalomyelitis". Figure 2 on P. 9 should answer all your questions.

If you have PEM, the tests results will help you use a heart rate monitor to stay within your limits. Staci is very willing to talk about all this after the tests and was very helpful at getting me started on an anaerobic exercise program. What she told me was, "The best advice i can give you is to stop doing your 25 min. walk every day." Exercise one day lowers my anaerobic threshold for the next.

As someone else has mentioned, look for papers by Staci Stevens or Lucinda Bateman.

thanks man how much will it cost?


Senior Member
the city
I was where you were at one time. Did the hardcore exercise thing for years after developing many of these symptoms, and became progressively worse. You need to get to the root of the problem, and if you don't know what that is, start with the gut. Paleo diet is a good start. Methylation protocol plus diet have been the answer for me.

Methylation protocol ?