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sheep placenta


Senior Member
A while back someone posted a link to something about sheep placenta injections for lyme patients. The post looked vague but it raised my interest enough to research a little and order some oral sheep placenta supplements from New Zealand (free range with high inspection standards there). I took a high dose capsule daily for a while and definitely noticed some health improvements and modulations in my immune system. Some modulations were good and some were not good. It seemed to effect my thyroid for the worse, my energy and inflammation seemed improved, my skin was nice! But ultimately I had to stop because I developed a cystitis type condition that irritated me while taking it. My guess is that it was an autoimmune reaction of some kind. Since I have been off the supplement I have felt slightly worse and my digestion is unfortunately much worse. In fact it is worse than before I took the supplement to begin with, so I think it affected my digestive system as well. Anyway, I am not really recommending this, but I thought I would share my experience, and see if anyone else has taken it.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Nope.. my elderly friend thou loves his sheep placenta face cream. (I personally think that sounds gross.. esp the thought of smearing something which comes from animal placentas over ones face).

Another thought I have is that the placenta helps to filter out toxins to stop them getting to the baby.. so wouldnt that mean that placentas could have toxins there if that sheep ate anything not good? I guess same with livers thou they are said to be rich in nutrients.
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Senior Member
I always thought placenta was one of the main ways that the baby in utero gets nutrition. Then the job is transferred to breast milk maybe? But I am not sure. Maybe someone else can chime in. Yeah, I sometimes think I should take it again for my skin but my concern is in the ethical side of it. I just can never be sure how the animals are being treated and if I don't totally need the product I figure it's better not to take it.


Senior Member
Update: I was feeling so horrible that out of desperation I started taking this stuff again, but this time at a very low dose. The day I took it I started feeling better. It has made an overall positive difference, except now I am not sure if that is bc I had grown dependent on it before. At any rate, it definitely is doing something to my immune system.
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