I dont know if any of the histaming theories are true, but I can tell you first hand what worked for me.
I went to a lung specialist, and had pulmonary testing done TWICE breathing into this contraption, etc - no know cause for the severe shortness of breath i would get. A year went by, feeling like I was dyine, unable to talk - or I would feel like I had no air! Ended up in the ER because I collapsed was short of breath, by face was white, BP through the roof, put on oxygen - then sent home: NO KNOWN CAUSE.
I DO NOT GET THIS ANYMORE!! WHY??? ...... SALT WATER. It has been a miracle. I literally never get the frightning "air hunger" ( that is the worst feeling ever, it so scary!!) I also have coconut water, but its the salt that really did it. You have to have a lot though. I tried it a long time ago a d dismissed it as "not working" but realised it was just too little. AND it has to be the right kind! I had a relapse and was so confused why I was getting the air hunger again - then I realised it was because the new salt I bough was not "unrefined".
The salt has to be "unrefined" "sun dried", take 1/2 tsp in the morning in water, and 1/2 tsp in the afternoon AT LEAST.
I do not know all the science behind it, and frankly I dont really care. IT WORKS. I spent a year researching all kinds of lungs disorders- i thought i had myasthenia gravis, acidosis, no answers.... its crazy how something so simple can be so life changing.
PLEASE TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!