SF Bay Area Folks - Stanford Desperately Need 30 More Healthy Controls for Multi-omics project


Senior Member
Posted on behalf of Fereshteh Jahanbani who is leading this project (copied from Facebook)

To all of my ME/CFS community: I need your help. I need to collect samples from 30 more healthy people unrelated to ME/CFS patients to begin the 2nd cohort right away! Please read the below note and see if you know of anyone who meets the criteria! Many thanks for all the help.

For "CFS related disorders" multi-omics study, the research team at Stanford Center for Personalized Medicine has collected almost all the samples needed for their comprehensive multi-omics study. They only need 30 more samples from healthy volunteers who are unrelated to ME/CFS patients to begin mass data generation and analyses. It would be an amazing help if you could help them to spread the news and be able to collect those extra samples.

By healthy volunteers, they mean heathy male and female between 30-60 with no history of CFS, exercise intolerance, autoimmune disorders (even psoriasis or severe seasonal allergy), connective tissue disorders, cancer, diabetes, obesity, cardiac, liver, kidney, GI abnormality or metabolic disorder. Blood will be collected at 3165 Porter Dr, Palo Alto in a morning between 10-11:30 am within next 30 days! For those who are interested, please send an email to "fjahania@stanford.edu".


Senior Member
I know many potential healthy controls who are in Los Angeles or Southern CA. Do they have to come to Stanford or can the blood be collected in SoCAL and mailed up north?


@Gingergrrl - I participated in her study when at Stanford earlier this year -- if this is the same one, they have to examine the blood within a short window of time after it is collected...requiring collection onsite.


Senior Member
Stanford also need Healthy controls for their hair analysis project, and these can be given out at the same time as the blood draw for the multi-omics project.

Results from the hair analysis include heavy metal data, take about two weeks to process, and are shared with the participant. Perhaps an incentive for health controls to participate.

I believe there may also be a gift card for those interested.