Severe Relapse

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Hi @LINE .... can't quote you directly because your response appeared in a pink quote box, so anything that's bolded and sort of grey is quoting your post .....

"As you said, the process morphs quite frequently which forces me to morph and rethink my attacks"
Yeah, it's kinda like being in a log-rolling contest, only you're both the log AND the roller ...

"Of course it is a pain but it works out."
Yes it does, eventually. It's just the part in between the last thing that worked and finding the next thing that works that's kind of nerve wracking.

But it keeps the grey matter pumping along, and that's another plus ...


Senior Member
One of the more horrifying expressions of this weasely little misery of an illness is its ability to keep regrouping every time we beat it back, and re-attacking us in a slightly different suit with a new assault on the battlements.

Perfectly put. Last night It slapped me around as I was trying to sleep, today it punched me in the face.