"Severe ME & the NHS" (25% ME Group)

I really do not need your advice, 'Worldbackwards'...

You really Do Not Understand the Issue of being very nearly persecuted to death by medical doctors....... sheeesh ... ..
I am now never amazed at the latest report of a dead ME patient.... because the majority do not have a clue of the destructiveness of crazy medicine and how operates.... Its What They Write In Your Records....... Which Cannot Ever Be Removed......

I have had enough of this Forum....... and enough of being "advised" by people who apparently do not have the slightest clue about what nearly dying from ME means..... or the slightest clue about what medical persecution means ..... it means that ME patients suffer unnecessarily and some of them die because of it ..... whilst others lay around dispensing 'advice'...
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Senior Member
It wasn't advise as such, just a observation from someone a little luckier than yourself. No offense intended. I know very well what it means to be scared of what's on your files and, given how ill I got when I ended up in hospital and what the solutions offered to me were, I could quite easily have seen myself dead were I to have followed them at that point.

As regards your disdain of my 'joke' in your previous post (which you edited whilst I posted again), I simply thought that you were being a bit frivolous there, amidst your very serious points, and as such I didn' t think you'd mind a little in return. It was not my intention to mock your problems. My apologies.

I'm not out to get you and I just want to play nice.
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No offense taken, 'worldbackwards'..... it seems that we have clarified any misunderstandings..... I'd rather get on with people than not.... but near death is serious and I don't joke about it......good for you that you didn't follow very bad advice.....best wishes with your situation... we all have to deal with what we've got..... I'd just like to say that your response to me was very thoughtful and generous .....xxxx .....
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Senior Member
The therapists did get frustrated with the patients in the FINE Trial, the Trial on housebound patients (FINE ran concurrent to the PACE Trial). The FINE Trial was a faliure... but it obviously hasn't stopped the onwards march of CBT and Graded activity being portrayed as 'specialist treatment'.
They never learn in Britian..... the researchers occultists are in charge.
Slight modification. ;)
Further improvement :devil:


Senior Member
The statement/extract may be read as beneficial to "both" sides.
However, then one has to interpret how it is likely to be applied at this time and I think the 25% ME Group's interpretation of what is likely to happen, in the UK anyway, is reasonable.

Claire McDermott (the lead author of the paper) is an allied health professional (I think an OT), not a medical doctor. She is currently testing some psychological/mind-body intervention:

That's where she is coming from. I recall seeing other psychological stuff she wrote previously.
An abstract has been published, "(NLP) "Feasibility study for a community based intervention for individuals with severe CFS/ME" (UK)"