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Severe CFS Relapse After Campylobacter Infection


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I got a vaccination in the youth/child against measles. I don't know if that lasts for ever. So I guess you did not have a vaccination against it

I DID have the vaccination, and it does not last for ever - you can still catch measles. In my case my children all came down with measles as they were not vaccinated and I nursed them one by one for a period of 6 weeks - then I came down with it, and then had pneumonia.

Having the wild type of measles itself is the only way to get lifelong immunity.
Thank you all for answering me. Last week I was to much in the Internet desperate to find a solution because I am doing no progress and this bedridden status prevents me from getting any treatment.

Since Friday I could only stay in bed and doing nothing at all.

I have to be very careful.

In my desperation I write an email to dr k Meileir asking if they provide phone consultation. And may be I can send blood samples etc to them. I don't now what to do but this is not normal. I am so afraid of this sitation. It drives me mad not been able to do anything

I am so brain fogged that I am not able to process information and try to put my own protocol together.

Thank you all for your replies!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
Have you considered taking high doses of a good probiotic along with some prebiotics? If you gut bacteria have got out of balance due to Campylobacter, and/or if there is a lingering Campylobacter infection in your intestines, probiotics + prebiotics might help fight off the Campylobacter.

This study in poultry found that probiotics were effective in fighting Campylobacter infection in the intestines.
@Hip: i now ordered probiotic and will try. I tried kefir but got really bad stomach ache

Sadly but I got a response from De Meileir. He cannot treat a person he had never seen before. Understandable but sad.