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Serrapeptase: Has Anybody Tried It? Heard of It?


Senior Member
A friend of mine was telling me about serrapeptase today. She said I should try it for the severely painful neuropathy I've got going on in my femoral nerves that no one can treat or determine it's cause so far. It's supposed to be some kind of enzyme that is used for chelation. I've never heard of it. I googled it, came up with a couple of hits, but I was wondering if anyone's ever heard of it or tried it for anything.



Senior Member
Serrapeptase is an enzyme that is said to dissolve fibrin in the blood (a blood 'thinner'). Some of us apparently may benefit from this as our blood is too thick. Nattokinase and lumbrokinase are supposed to do the same thing.

They are also said to penetrate 'biofilms' (a protective layer around bacteria) so that antibiotics can work better. See for example:


That's about the limit of my knowledge - I'm sure others will know more.

I take nattokinase (cheaper than the others) - not sure it's doing anything though.

Yes I have and am!

Yes I am taking it just started with 20,000 iu I got mine from Nutricentre in London as I get 20% discount as an AFME member. So far ok some toxic feeling but that is going now only been on it since Friday so early days but definitely noticed my sinuses are clearer after years of not been able to breath so that is encouraging.