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Serious Dangers of Synthetic & Unnatural Vitamins


Senior Member
Really it is very simple what I am saying is natural vitamins are better than synthetic vitamins.

That even I would agree with. With the exception that in disease or deficiency states the pharmacological actions of high dose vitamins (not possible to get dietary) are no match.

But the problem thereby is now, since you couldn't provide any evidence of harm, you're backpedaling. While when you started you gave a completely opposite opinion with the title and numerous articles of this thread:

Serious Dangers of Synthetic & Unnatural Vitamins
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Cornwall, UK.
That even I would agree with. With the exception that in disease or deficiency states the pharmacological actions of high dose vitamins (not possible to get dietary) are no match.

But the problem thereby is now, since you couldn't provide any evidence of harm, you're backpedaling. While when you started you gave a completely opposite opinion with the title and numerous articles of this thread:
Completely agree to disagree.


Senior Member
The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements

Robert Thiel, Ph.D., Naturopath

(Etc, etc)

Nothing in that long article you quoted provides much supportive evidence for your view that synthetic vitamins are of "little value".

Certainly some synthetic vitamins are made in slightly different chemical forms to those found in nature, but the human body is a very capable chemistry factory, able to transform one form of a vitamin into another. That's what the article fails to mention.

I think it unwise to eulogize or worship Mother Nature in the way that some like doing.

Mother Nature brings many good things; but do not forget that Mother Nature also brings us smallpox, children crippled by poliovirus, death by rabid dogs, consumption (tuberculosis), malaria, leprosy, cholera, typhoid, the Black Death, and so forth.

Not to mention poisonous mushrooms, berries and plants, venomous snakes and spiders, etc.


Senior Member
without supplements, being both vitamins,minerals, enzymes, probiotics and some other things.

I would still be bedbound racked with pain, now housebound and sometimes feeling ' notsick'

It's a road to tread carefully. But with a very sick body, hardly able to digest food and because of illness a huge need of nutrients. The choice is clear.

But everybody needs to find out which things are helpful and which are not. Some forms of vitamin sit better with me then others plus the additives in supplements, whether vitamins or other stuff, can be very bad for the body. regardless of the quality of the vitamin.

I find much useful info about supplementing on PR, a life-saver really

I'll leave this thread though, nothing really useful to be found here.


Senior Member
without supplements, being both vitamins,minerals, enzymes, probiotics and some other things.

I would still be bedbound racked with pain, now housebound and sometimes feeling ' notsick'

It's a road to tread carefully. But with a very sick body, hardly able to digest food and because of illness a huge need of nutrients. The choice is clear.

But everybody needs to find out which things are helpful and which are not. Some forms of vitamin sit better with me then others plus the additives in supplements, whether vitamins or other stuff, can be very bad for the body. regardless of the quality of the vitamin.

I find much useful info about supplementing on PR, a life-saver really

I'll leave this thread though, nothing really useful to be found here.

I’m happy to hear that you found some combination of remedies that work for you. It’s very difficult for us to find anything that works, and sometimes things that work quit working later.

At the same time we need not to fall in with scammers and hucksters, and people peddling special magic super vitamins, more natural vitamins, my unique vitamins, and so forth are 97% scammers and hucksters (the other 3% are ‘bots). Fell for it myself for a while because I wanted to believe something would surely work, and the marketing for all that was rather artful.

There isn’t any magic crystal energy in everything created by nature that makes it all good for you. Lead is natural, as is mercury, as is the python that are a lady last week. Our disease was created by nature, so are tuberculosis, cancer, old age and death. We are fighting against nature to win longer and healthier lives then it provides us.


Senior Member
I’m happy to hear that you found some combination of remedies that work for you. It’s very difficult for us to find anything that works, and sometimes things that work quit working later.

Yes, I am lucky with that. I'm so grateful to be out of bed and pain much diminished. But one has to tread so careful, I had some baddies that threw me back int crashing too, sometimes with the tiniest amount.

and yes...I do not trust my health to someone-else. Even well-meaning honest knowledgeable therapists seem to think that their approach is the right one. Were I now know, that some things that ' everybody with CFS should take' are detrimental for me.

1 mg of zinc has send me crashing for instance, took 3 months to recover from that.

since that time I'm even more careful.

I keep hoping for more insight in this illness, coming from the US. Over here in Europe were still struggling with the BPS-myth. For even though I'm lucky that I found a combination that seems to work, I know of all those who are far more ill then I, and not able to get out of the severe state, having been there my heart bleeds for them.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
1 mg of zinc has send me crashing for instance, took 3 months to recover from that.

Wow, sounds pretty horrible. I wonder if it could have been a result the zinc dislodging heavy metals from zinc receptor sites. I've heard that can happen when beginning to supplement with zinc.​
I have been trying to get well for almost a quarter of a century. Every day I work on how to feel better and get back to work … and get my life back … what few foods I can eat and still stay vertical.

For the last nine months I have been on an elimination diet of sorts … was forced into it to survive. I had become ‘allergic’ to food and had gotten to the point where I could only eat a handful of things … beef, chicken, egg yolks, butter, cream, white rice, bee pollen, and honey. After months of keeping track of everything I consume the common denominator in how poorly I feel, and function, is directly related to my consumption of synthetic vitamins and/or food additives like gums and dyes. If I drink organic milk fortified with synthetic vitamin D I feel like I am literally going to die. If I eat organic baby food with added vitamin c … I feel like I am going to die. If I brush my teeth with toothpaste that contains titanium dioxide … I feel like I am going to die. If I eat rice cereal fortified with synthetic vitamins … I feel like I am going to die.

Has no one noticed the high rate of cancers and autoimmune illnesses in pets due to the heavy handed use of synthetic vitamins in pet food? Hill’s Science diet’s dog food has recently been in the news for overdosing, and killing, dogs on the synthetics in its pet food.

I have two dogs and they are going through the same symptoms and autoimmune illnesses. As long as they don’t eat processed dog food with synthetic vitamins or gums they are vertical and get around just fine. If they eat something with synthetic vitamins they act like they are dying. I just switched them to one of three brands of dog food that doesn’t contain synthetic vitamins after I found this article - https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/dog-food-nutrition/.

Once I began researching it I found that there is an entire population of mothers on the internet that cannot let their children consume synthetic vitamins and dyes. Their blogs are where I have found many of my clues … and safe foods to try. Before last week I had no idea that all cold cereals were fortified with synthetic vitamins!

There has to be something to it. I don’t know for certain what it is, but I know I have to avoid synthetic vitamins like the plague.

Just because the powers that be say synthetic vitamins, dyes, and gums, are innocuous doesn’t make it so.
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Senior Member
I have been trying to get well for almost a quarter of a century. Every day I work on how to feel better and get back to work … and get my life back … what few foods I can eat and still stay vertical.

For the last nine months I have been on an elimination diet of sorts … was forced into it to survive. I had become ‘allergic’ to food and had gotten to the point where I could only eat a handful of things … beef, chicken, egg yolks, butter, cream, white rice, bee pollen, and honey. After months of keeping track of everything I consume the common denominator in how poorly I feel, and function, is directly related to my consumption of synthetic vitamins and/or food additives like gums and dyes. If I drink organic milk fortified with synthetic vitamin D I feel like I am literally going to die. If I eat organic baby food with added vitamin c … I feel like I am going to die. If I brush my teeth with toothpaste that contains titanium dioxide … I feel like I am going to die. If I eat rice cereal fortified with synthetic vitamins … I feel like I am going to die.

Has no one noticed the high rate of cancers and autoimmune illnesses in pets due to the heavy handed use of synthetic vitamins in pet food? Hill’s Science diet’s dog food has recently been in the news for overdosing, and killing, dogs on the synthetics in its pet food.

I have two dogs and they are going through the same symptoms and autoimmune illnesses. As long as they don’t eat processed dog food with synthetic vitamins or gums they are vertical and get around just fine. If they eat something with synthetic vitamins they act like they are dying. I just switched them to one of three brands of dog food that doesn’t contain synthetic vitamins after I found this article - https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/dog-food-nutrition/.

Once I began researching it I found that there is an entire population of mothers on the internet that cannot let their children consume synthetic vitamins and dyes. Their blogs are where I have found many of my clues … and safe foods to try. Before last week I had no idea that all cold cereals were fortified with synthetic vitamins!

There has to be something to it. I don’t know for certain what it is, but I know I have to avoid synthetic vitamins like the plague.

Just because the powers that be say synthetic vitamins, dyes, and gums, are innocuous doesn’t make it so.
Would you mind sharing what dog food you feed your dog? Thank you
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Senior Member
Once I began researching it I found that there is an entire population of mothers on the internet that cannot let their children consume synthetic vitamins and dyes.

There is a difference between dyes and vitamins. Several food dyes like tartrazine are known to cause symptoms in sensitive people, and some dyes make kids hyperactive, etc.

Whereas vitamins, synthetic or otherwise, usually cause no ill effects.

If you are extremely sensitive to foods, then you might want to look into MCAS or multiple chemical sensitivity. MCAS is treatable to an extent. MCAS produces allergy-like symptoms, and you will find lots of people here have issues with MCAS.

Has no one noticed the high rate of cancers and autoimmune illnesses in pets due to the heavy handed use of synthetic vitamins in pet food?

Where did you read that synthetic vitamins cause and cancers and autoimmune illnesses in pets?
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Heart - No of course not ... I'll share anything I can. I don't know how this particular food is going to fare long term, but I'm trying this one now - https://www.natureslogic.com/ . I am using the canned at the moment because the dry has too many probiotics in it for my liking. And yes, probiotics can make you sick too.
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Senior Member
If you are posting unsubstantiated statements like "synthetic vitamins can and do make humans and animals sick", then people will ask for references.

The reason references are asked for is not to "pick a fight", but to stop the spread of misinformation.

I appreciate that you have lots of food sensitivities, and that makes things difficult, and no doubt makes you wary of the ingredients of food.

Have you been tested for MCAS?
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Senior Member
@lilwren Have you considered mold toxicity in regard to you and your pets sensitivities? I know their has been a lot of problems with moldy grains being used in the pet food industry and it seems that those little guys are really sensitive to it neurologically. Also if you are all suffering, consider getting your house checked for mold contamination. It can do a number on your mast cells. Just a thought.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
As a supplemental point, I've read numerous accounts of mothers taking their children to pediatricians and telling them what's going on with their children, such as reactions to certain drugs or vaccinations. Unfortunately, these mothers are often told that what they're observing in their own children cannot be accurate, because there's no science to back up their statements. -- AAaaargh, talk about insanity and the misuse of quoting science. Quite honestly, it gives true science a bad name. -- @lilwren
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Cornwall, UK.
I read this article and was compelled to post it.

Serious Dangers of Synthetic & Unnatural Vitamins

By Dr. Phil MaffetoneMay 3, 2015 Nutrition

Truly health-conscious consumers choose to avoid artificial, unnatural and synthetic chemicals, but often — and unknowingly — consume these in dietary supplements. Misleading information on supplement labels is the most common reason for confusion about these ingredients. Consuming these potentially dangerous chemicals is much more serious than once thought.

We should be concerned about taking synthetic vitamins and other unnatural nutrients because
published research in the last few years concludes two important things: First, synthetic and other unnatural nutrients are mostly ineffective in preventing disease. Second, these chemicals may be dangerous to your health — some have been shown to increase the risk of death! Most of the studies show an increased incidence of cancer and heart disease, the reason for the increased risk.
(Continue reading here: https://philmaffetone.com/serious-dangers-of-synthetic-unnatural-vitamins/)
Cornwall, UK.
I have been trying to get well for almost a quarter of a century. Every day I work on how to feel better and get back to work … and get my life back … what few foods I can eat and still stay vertical.

For the last nine months I have been on an elimination diet of sorts … was forced into it to survive. I had become ‘allergic’ to food and had gotten to the point where I could only eat a handful of things … beef, chicken, egg yolks, butter, cream, white rice, bee pollen, and honey. After months of keeping track of everything I consume the common denominator in how poorly I feel, and function, is directly related to my consumption of synthetic vitamins and/or food additives like gums and dyes. If I drink organic milk fortified with synthetic vitamin D I feel like I am literally going to die. If I eat organic baby food with added vitamin c … I feel like I am going to die. If I brush my teeth with toothpaste that contains titanium dioxide … I feel like I am going to die. If I eat rice cereal fortified with synthetic vitamins … I feel like I am going to die.

Has no one noticed the high rate of cancers and autoimmune illnesses in pets due to the heavy handed use of synthetic vitamins in pet food? Hill’s Science diet’s dog food has recently been in the news for overdosing, and killing, dogs on the synthetics in its pet food.

I have two dogs and they are going through the same symptoms and autoimmune illnesses. As long as they don’t eat processed dog food with synthetic vitamins or gums they are vertical and get around just fine. If they eat something with synthetic vitamins they act like they are dying. I just switched them to one of three brands of dog food that doesn’t contain synthetic vitamins after I found this article - https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/dog-food-nutrition/.

Once I began researching it I found that there is an entire population of mothers on the internet that cannot let their children consume synthetic vitamins and dyes. Their blogs are where I have found many of my clues … and safe foods to try. Before last week I had no idea that all cold cereals were fortified with synthetic vitamins!

There has to be something to it. I don’t know for certain what it is, but I know I have to avoid synthetic vitamins like the plague.

Just because the powers that be say synthetic vitamins, dyes, and gums, are innocuous doesn’t make it so.
Another example, some 8 years ago I was stating "STATINS" were harmful and did not do what the medical $$$ people said, and I proved it with evidence, but no one would believe me. Take a look at the evidence today and you will find the truth and see that it's all lies and nothing more than a trillion $$ money machine
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Senior Member
Another example, some 8 years ago I was stating "STATINS" were harmful and did not do what the medical $$$ people said, and I proved it with evidence, but no one would believe me.

I think you will find that science was well aware of the adverse effects of statins long before you "proved it".


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Does it perhaps remind you of these efforts to get everyone to believe in the fable of "dangerous vitamins"?!
How about the years-long fable of CFS? Learned medical minds for decades tried to have us and the public believe there was valid scientific reasoning that conclusively established it doesn't really exist except in the patients' own delusional mind/psyche. -- And then they were aghast at how ungrateful we were for not acknowledging their brilliant., scientific understanding of our condition.