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SEID Report Release Video


Senior Member
Thanks! Here is directly the video from IOM:

I just want to say that I'm thrilled about this, THIS IS A GREAT START! and it may take me awhile to remember the new name but in the mean time S E I D is easy to remember exspecially because spelled backwards it describes what many say they felt like was happening to them, me as well and I think I can remember that easy enough. I think if people give this new name a chance and realize that this is not belittleing the disease in anyway, they may come to fell like I do, my god, we have peoples attn now! this is a good thing and I'm sorry to see the pole showing that a high persentage dont approve.

Tired of being sick

Senior Member
Western PA USA
Is this now the new name for CFS/ME?

If so,it is even further from describing the actual Virus/Disease itself.

could also be called SEID..

I can hear it now..
The Pateint:

I strongly suspect that I have SEID Doc

The Doctor:
Ugh that is simply untrue! the reason you can not tolerate exercise is most likely the fact that you have let yourself become DE-CONDITIONED through being an inactive bed/couch potato for a prolonged period of time..
Do not feel bad as you are not alone the majority of people in the world today today have let technology turn
them basically into stone..

Start exercising 10 minutes a day for one week doing brisk cardio workouts until *collapse*
then you will increase 10 minutes each week afterward
until you reach 1 hour per day within 45 days.

Once you reach 1 hour per day continue this 24/7/365 days a year for the REST of your life..

*collapse* meaning you must work yourself to total exhaustion by the end of each
exercise session..


Senior Member
Is this now the new name for CFS/ME?

If so,it is even further from describing the actual Virus/Disease itself.

could also be called SEID..

I can hear it now..
The Pateint:

I strongly suspect that I have SEID Doc

The Doctor:
Ugh that is simply untrue! the reason you can not tolerate exercise is most likely the fact that you have let yourself become DE-CONDITIONED through being an inactive bed/couch potato for a prolonged period of time..
Do not feel bad as you are not alone the majority of people in the world today today have let technology turn
them basically into stone..

Start exercising 10 minutes a day for one week doing brisk cardio workouts until *collapse*
then you will increase 10 minutes each week afterward
until you reach 1 hour per day within 45 days.

Once you reach 1 hour per day continue this 24/7/365 days a year for the REST of your life..

*collapse* meaning you must work yourself to total exhaustion by the end of each
exercise session..

big difference between exercise and exsertion