Seeking roomate in Florida or elsewhere in the South


Senior Member
Curious is motivation financial? not wanting to live alone? other?

I'd like to be out of California due to the wildfire problems/air pollution. To a quiet area away lower in population density and has good UV light year round.

Less emf around.Doesn't necessarily have to be off grid.Total expenses under 900/month if possible.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Florida is very moldy. Someone told me that Mississippi is too so I think that whole SE corner of the states tends to be.

When visiting a relative there I could always smell the mold in the summer air. It was really bad.

(Of course mold counts here in the Midwest have been off the charts this summer too. Mold count today was: 55857 when average for this day is 6855. )

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I'd like to be out of California due to the wildfire problems/air pollution. To a quiet area away lower in population density and has good UV light year round.

Ridgecrest, California

I just flashed on that area..its sort of a cool area..the high desert, some culture, maybe a junior college, alot of Military there so culturally is likely a mix of folks...I wonder whats up there with or studios or .....?

maybe if there is a junior college, maybe some chance of finding a room mate thru the campus ?

vision blue

Senior Member
@Judee Didn't know they did mold counts on the news was it? I would find that useful. Not sure about mississippi, but doesn't most of florida have their dry season in the summer? So even though its listed as "sub tropical humid" along with spots further north, unlike the spoits further north (e.g. washington DC ) it's not equally wet year round but dries out in summer, sort of since it's close to tropical, like Miami or the Keys - wet, but not all year - the dry season is much drier than say the north east . Or did i read the wrong climate info?

@Davsey27 I've had luck with all manner of things including housing from Craig's list. I know alot of people think this is nuts and is inviting scams, but i've alwyas found when you look thru the listing you can sort of tell what the legit ads are, and then a quick email back and forth with the short list of contenders and you can tell if its a legit ad or not.
So, move to get out of florica, but "roomate" (room in someones house? seperate entrance? equal splitting of an apartment?) because house plus expenses not more than 900, right? if you don't find renting trailers too toxid for health, those can be had cheaply and you don't need to share.

for UV ligyht, another option closer to home then would be the desrt southwest. Until recently, cheap as hell. Now, not so much, but i suppose depnds where.. e.g. Snowflake arizona, plenty of uv light, very quiet and pieceful, mormon town. only thing that happens there is a once a year parade , so all the young folk want out - too quiet for them. Cheap though (at least was) and great food.

(am alway7s interested in location posts. I've decided there's no place for me. doesn't exist)


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Didn't know they did mold counts on the news was it?

No, it's a local allergist's office. I found the site by doing a search using something like "mold counts" and the name of my city.

doesn't most of florida have their dry season in the summer?

No, unfortunately, where I was every afternoon w/o fail it rains a heavy downpour for about 10 minutes. I was staying on the Gulf of Mexico side so not sure if that's what happens on the east coast of Florida.
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vision blue

Senior Member
No, unfortunately, where I was every afternoon w/o fail it rains a heavy downpour for about 10 minutes. I was staying on the Gulf of Mexico side so .
Wow, sounds like I wouild like that. And you were there all year? I will look on a map - if you could tell me where exactly to look, that would be great.
Thanks for that mold count finding tip - great idea.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I was staying in the Cape Coral area. A member of my family lives there now and they still do get the daily summer afternoon rain showers.

You have to also decide if you like non-furry creatures. The type that crawl on their bellies.

Besides the swampy, moldy-ness of the place that's another reason why I'm still living in the cold Midwest.

Well, they also get hurricanes a lot down there.

So I guess there are a number of reasons...besides ME/CFS why I haven't moved to Florida.

vision blue

Senior Member
Daily summer rains yes, the question is how much humidity and rain is there in the winter when the parts od florida i know about are in the dry season.

Made me laugh on non furry creatures. Im fine with alligators and snakes. Do t like intense subshine though